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Leadership & Legacy:

Chinas Qin Dynasty

Stephany Panza Kyle Daniels

Group Website

Qin Shi Huang also called Ying Zheng portrayed his leadership
and legacy through controlling the Qin Dynasty. Qin Shi Huangdi the
first to call himself the emperor of China was also the first to unite
China as one. Today China remains united through Shi Huangdi code of
law, legalism. In his reign as emperor in the Qin Dynasty(221 B.C. - 206
B.C.) he showed leadership by creating The Terracotta Army and
building the first part of The Great Wall of China to protect his empire.
He is said to be a "ruthless ruler" however, his empire was the first
stable and single authority in China. Shi Huangdi was obsessed
with immortality because he didn't want to stop ruling his empire.
Therefore he created life sized clay figures around his tomb known as
the Terracotta Army warriors to have the imperial status in his afterlife.
Overall, his legacy is felt in China today and his leadership is
well recognized because of all his accomplishments.
In order to find information about the Qin Dynasty we used the
Internet to an advantage. Online we looked for books such as Chinas
Condensed: 5,000 Years of History & Culture which showed a map of
the location of the Qin Dynasty. Further into research we found many
useful resources such as a primary source, which was a quote
describing the Qin dynasty said by Li Si. Another secondary source
shows the Terracotta Army as one of the empires major achievements.
Lastly, a book from the British museum called Qin Shihuangdi the Rise

to Power explains how he controlled his dynasty and how he made

China one whole country.
We chose a website because we felt as if it would best show
information through videos and pictures. However it was hard to find
actual quotes coming from the leader Qin Shi Huangdi due to the time
period he was in. The website layout has the thesis states on the front
page, then the context includes ways the Qin dynasty shows
leadership and legacy. We included links such as The Great Wall of
China, Unification of China and The Terracotta Army. Each subject
has pictures and/or videos. We included primary sources such as
quotes to intrigue the viewer of the website. Each link has easy access
to it.
Relating to the topic leadership and legacy it was not hard to tell
how the Qin dynasty influenced China. Many know of the Qin dynasty
because it was the first to build on the Great Wall of China to protect its
empire. Many also know of the Terracotta Army warriors that were
recently found and the story behind why they were surrounding Qin Shi
Huangdis tomb. Still today the law of code from the Qin dynasty
known as legalism is present in China government. The legacy of the
buried Terracotta soldiers is still felt today and the strict law code of
the Qin is still used today.

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