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Class Title

The Psychology of Student Success

Course Description
The course will examine the work of noted psychologists Carol Dweck and Angela Blackwell. Topics will
include the nature of praise and self-esteem, the impact of fixed and growth mindsets, and the role of
character in academic success. The course will be conducted as a part of the Middleton Elementary
professional literature study. Participation will be open to any certified or classified employee. Starting
after session 1, participants will be prompted to incorporate praise strategies and the message of growth
mindset in their classrooms or small groups. Starting after session 3, teachers will have the opportunity to
receive feedback in their classrooms after instructor observations.
Course Objective
Participants will incorporate praise strategies and the message of growth mindset in their classrooms and
small groups.
Participants will react to student experiences of failure as that of growth and evidence of learning.
Required Reading
Mindset by Carol Dweck (selected passages)
Chapter 1: The Mindsets
Chapter 2: Inside the Mindsets
Chapter 3: The Truth About Ability and Accomplishments
Chapter 7: Parents, Teachers, and Coaches: Where Do Mindsets Come From?
Article: Caution Praise Can Be Dangerous by Carol S. Dweck.
Article: Implicit Theories of Intelligence Predict Achievement across an Adolescent Transition: A
Longitudinal Study and an Intervention by Lisa S Blackwell, Kali H. Trzesniewski, and Carol S. Dweck.
How Children Succeed by Paul Tough
Chapter 2: How to Build Character, p 49 104
Article: Self-Discipline Outdoes IQ in Predicting Academic Performance of Adolescents by Angela Lee
Duckworth and Martin E. P. Seligman.
Class Sessions (dates TBD)
January Session 1: Mindset chapter 1 and 2, p 3 - 54
January Session 2: Mindset chapter 3, p 55 81; Caution Praise Can Be Dangerous
February Session 3: Mindset chapter 7, p 173 212;
February Session 4: Implicit Theories of Intelligence Predict Achievement across an Adolescent Transition
March Session 5: How Children Succeed chapter 2, p 49 - 104
March Session 6: Self-Discipline Outdoes IQ in Predicting Academic Performance of Adolescents
Additional Credit Requirements
Reflection: Classroom application of praise strategies (1 page); Due session 3
Reflection: Implications of the impact of character and habits on student achievement (1 page); Due
session 6
1 observation w/ post-meeting
(2) 1-page reflections
(1) Observation w/ post-meeting

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