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Graphing Data Using Logger Pro 3

1. Double-click the Logger Pro 3 icon on your computers desktop. This will open
up Logger Pro 3 and allow you to input your data into a data table.
2. Once Logger Pro 3 is open you will see a data table on the left side of the screen,
this is where you will input your data, and a graph on the right side of the screen
will automatically display the data as you enter it in. First double-click on X
which is located on the top of the data table. This will open up a window that will
allow you to label your x-axis. Under Name, input what you would like to call
the x-axis (Distance, Force, etc). Ignore the short name function. Finally, under
Units put in the appropriate units (m for meters, N for Newtons, etc). After
everything is inputted click on Done at the bottom of the menu box. Next
double-click on the Y to label the y-axis, follow the same procedure.
3. Input your data into the appropriate columns.
4. Once all your data is inputted into the data table a graph should appear, but you
will need to scale the graph so it will take up the entire space of the page. At the
top of the page is a menu bar, you want to find the icon that looks like this
This is called autoscale graph, this will automatically adjust the graph to fit
your data.
5. Next click on the graph so that you can give the graph a title. Once the graph is
selected you will go to options on the menu bar and click graph options. If you
cannot select graph options on the menu bar you need to click the mouse again on
the graph itself This will allow you to select the graph options. There is a box
called title. This is where you will label your graph, e.g. Free-Fall or Friction.
After you have given your graph a title click Done at the bottom of the menu
6. Find an equation for the graph by clicking the icon that is on the menu bar that
looks like this
. This will open up a window the will allow you to select a
range of different curve fits. Select the appropriate curve fit for your graph and
then select Try Fit on the bottom of the menu box. If this curve fit works for
you select OK on the bottom of the menu box. If this curve fit does not work for
you select another curve fit until one satisfies you. Once you have selected OK
a box with an equation should appear on your graph.
7. To print go to File on the menu bar and select Print. Select the Print Footer
function and then click OK. If you are in the physics lab make sure the selected
printer is Dell Laser 1110 and click OK.

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