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BTEC Unit 13 (P3, M2)

Name: Alex Pippard

Unit 13 House Styles & Interactive Components


Background: light blue

Heading: black
Sub-Heading: red
Normal Text: black


Heading: Franklin Gothic Heavy

Sub-Heading: Berlin Sans FB
Normal Text: Calibri


Heading: 48
Sub-Heading: 28
Normal Text:16

How will you ensure that colour schemes and page styles will remain
consistent throughout the website? (M2)
All the pages will use the same colours, font type and font size to keep all the
pages consistent. The template will be the same in every page. I will use the
same size table for all of my 7 other pages to keep the website consistent. All the
styles In the top are in my website and are consistent on every page I have got.
The font sizes will match on every page.

How interactive components will be used and how will it make it easier
for users to navigate? (M2)
User Form to send feedback to the company for anything the public needs
Google Map is to view the shop from a map so they know where the shop is

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