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Design Pattern Library

For Fiscal the Fraud Fighting

Common elements within the application family

Menus Splash and Screen Styles

Each screens related relies on the colour theme

Splash screen shows mandatory elements (Fiscal character art + Queensland

Police Service logo)

Screens involve Fiscal characters in some way

Icons and art from Fiscal the Fraud Fighting Ferret program

Navigation Screen Relations

Native navigation Swipe Left to go to the next page; Swipe Right to go back

Touching navigation units goes to the next screen connected to that unit

Follows scan patterns (F shape) of humans

Headings and Fonts

Headings are clear and to the point

Fonts used are sans-serif

Font used is Helvetica

Use Sans-serif for readability

Colour Codes Style Guide

Backgrounds on navigational units and splash is white

Backgrounds on character screens for tours and advice are Blue(#2AB0FA)

Background of speech bubbles are Red(#FA3028, 17% Opacity to dim down the
harsh red)

Text colour on white backgrounds is black(#000000); on any coloured background

its white(#FFFFFF).

Main Font



(#FA3028, 17%)

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