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By suppression we may temporarily subdue our afflictive emotions, but only

an investigation of their true nature will completely eradicate them.

Fall 2015


Maitri:Working with Emotions (3)


Introduction to Transpersonal Psychology (3)


Herbal Medicine (3)


Gestalt: Presence (3)


Dynamics of Intimate Relationships (3)

Mind and Its World I

The First Turning of the Wheel
Meditation Practicum III: Mind-Training
Diversity Seminar
Nature, the Sacred, and Contemplation
T'ai Chi Ch'uan
Spring 2016
Mind and Its World II
The Second Turning of the Wheel
Meditation Practicum IV: Maitri and Mandala
Community-based Learning and Action
Sanskrit in Sacred Traditions of India
Fall 2016
The Middle Way School
Advanced INTD Research Seminar
Herbal Medicine

Spring 2017
The Third Turning of the Wheel
Non-Dualism in Theory and Practice
The Capstone Seminar

WRI250 Perceptions in Media (3)

ART260 Calligraphy and Book Arts (3)'
REL355 Sanskrit in Sacred Traditions of India (3)
PSYB355 Dynamics of Intimate Relationships
COR150 Diversity Seminar (3)
COR220 Community-based Learning and Action (3)

Advanced INTD Research Seminar (3)

The Capstone Seminar (3)

interdisciplinary studies

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