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Music is defined as an art of sound in time that is used to express ideas and emotions in

significant forms through the elements of rhythm, melody, harmony, and color. Over time, people
realized the entertainment value that music provides and an industry was created dedicated to
sharing the art. People have largely depended on music as a form of expression to show their
emotions and how they see the world. Consequently, listening to music can have profound
effects on others and may even influence the choices they make in life. This realization is very
powerful; therefore, an artist must understand that his or her music can affect another person for
better or for worse.
As the music industry has expanded, it has introduced a variety of new genres and types
of music. One of the more popular genres of today's generation is rap. This genre is described by
many as poetry in motion due to the style of swiftly rhyming poetry over a beat and has
historically been known for incorporating themes such as vice, drugs, and sex into its songs.
Perhaps the most controversial aspect of rap culture is that it heavily revolves around gangs and
openly encourages criminal activity. With the youth of this generation being the majority of the
fans it is only natural for them to emulate the ideas expressed by an artist in his or her song.
Unfortunately, there has been an increase of young adults engaging in violent behavior and fatal
incidents, this past decade and many attribute this to the music these people listen to.
On a lighter note, exposure to music whether listening or creating can also be a
beneficial experience. For many years, parents have believed in the Mozart effect which is that
idea that listening to classical music, particularly Mozart, enhances performance on cognitive
tests in both literacy and mathematics. However, research has indicated that listening to just
about any music that is personally enjoyable has positive effects on cognition, specifically
memory. Not only does music improve achievement in the classroom, but it also enhances

athletic performance by reducing the feeling of fatigue, increasing psychological arousal, and
facilitating motor coordination. Lastly, music can be effectively applied as a form of therapeutic
treatment for stress and emotional discomfort. Researchers have found that the stress-related
hormone cortisol decreases as a result of exposure to uplifting music.
Altogether, music was originally seen for its entertainment purposes; however, the greater
reality of music is that has the capacity to influence the thinking and behavior of people. Having
said this, music can be either beautiful or destructive. Like any art form, music is entirely based
on the interpretation of the observer or listener in this case. Most of the time, the artist's message
is fairly clear and easily understood by the listener. Other times, however, what the artist may
have intended can be completely misconstrued by one listening and lead them to act in a fashion
that does not represent the artist's attitude. In any case, the artist is solely responsible for
publishing his or her work and must accept the repercussions that follow afterward. Hence, it
behooves the artist to be wary of their power on the masses and to strive to craft music in such a
way so as to positively impact the lives of the people in the audience.

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