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Formula for Manifestation

Step 1.
Set Intention/Goal
Decide what you want. Your intention is your goal. This should be stated in the
first person,
present tense (as if it were already true), reflecting what you DO want rather
than what you
DONT want. Example: I am happy and content is better than I am not
depressed. Define
the goal in sensory-based language, (i.e. visual, auditory, and kinesthetic
language or symbols).

Step 2.
Check for Intent
Decide whether you really want it, and what the ramifications might be in your
life if you get
it. Intent is the emotional component of the process. It represents your desire
commitment to achieving your goal. Is it something you REALLY want or just a
good idea, as
long as you dont have to work very hard or risk much to get it?
Ask yourself these questions: Is it really worth wanting? Are you emotionally
invested in
getting it? What sacrifices are you willing or not willing to make in order to
achieve your

Step 3.
Communicate Intention to the Subconscious Mind
Identify a meaningful ritual (activity or process) for communication with the

such as PSYCH-K, prayer, visualization, affirmations, religious rite, vision quest,

one of the
numerous healing modalities, or special activities. Whatever you give meaning
and importance
to is more likely to work. The ritual will virtually always work if you can
communicate directly
with the subconscious mind, allowing it to select the ritual rather than choosing
it consciously,
or having the facilitator choose it. This is an important step in PSYCH-K. If
omitted, as is the
case with many well-intentioned processes for personal change, it makes the
outcome much
less certain. Without direct communication with the subconscious mind you are
simply guessing
which approach will work to make the change you desire.
This step is critical! If done properly,
it will align the subconscious mind with your conscious goal, turning
manifestation of your goals
into a habit rather than an effort.

Step 4.
Take Action
Using your intent from Step 2, take action/s to manifest the potential
available from Step
3. This step is analogous to opening an application program on your personal
computer. The
power of the program is merely latent potential until you activate it. So it is
with newly
acquired subconscious beliefs. Your subconscious mind will support, rather than
sabotage, your
conscious choice to act-ivate the new potential, however it still requires your
minds choice to take the actions that create the results. For example, exercise
to become

physically fit; or if your goal requires knowledge you do not currently possess,
read books or
get training in that area.

Changing subconscious beliefs creates potential.

Putting them into action creates results

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