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Diode Clippers
A clipper is a circuit that is used to eliminate a portion of an input signal. There are two basic types
of clippers: series clippers and shunt/parallel clippers. As shown in Figure 4-1, the series clipper
contains a diode that is in series with the load. The shunt clipper contains a diode that is in parallel
with the load.

FIGURE 4-1 Basic clippers.

The series clipper is a familiar circuit. The half-wave rectifier is nothing more than a series clipper. When the
diode in the series clipper is conducting, the load waveform follows the input waveform. When the diode is
not conducting, the output is approximately 0 V or fixed dc voltage which is connected in parallel. (Figure
4.2). The direction of the diode determines the polarity of the output waveform. If the diode symbol (in the
schematic diagram) points toward the source, the circuit is a positive series clipper, meaning that it clips the
positive alternation of the input. If the diode symbol points toward the load, the circuit is a negative series
clipper, meaning that it clips the negative alternation of the input (Figure 4.11). With this di
Ideally, a series clipper has an output of
when the diode is conducting (ignoring the voltage across
the diode). When the diode is not conducting, the input voltage is dropped across the diode, and
Unlike a series clipper, a shunt clipper provides an output when the diode is not conducting. For example,
refer to Figure 4-1. When the diode is off (not conducting), the component acts as an open. When this is the
form a voltage divider, and the output from the circuit is found using

When the diode in the circuit is on (conducting), it shorts out the load. In this case, the circuit ideally has an
. Again, this relationship ignores the voltage across the diode. In practice, the output from
output of
the circuit is generally assumed to equal 0.7 V, depending upon whether the circuit is a positive shunt
clipper or a negative shunt clipper. The direction of the diode determines whether the circuit is a positive or
negative shunt clipper. The series current-limiting resistor ( ) is included to prevent the conducting diode
from shorting out the source.
A biased clipper is a shunt clipper that uses a dc voltage source to bias the diode. A biased clipper is
shown in Figure 4-2. (Several more are shown in Figures 4.9 and 4.10). The biasing voltage ( )
determines the voltage at which the diode begins conducting. The diode in the biased clipper turns on when
the load voltage reaches a value of
. In practice, the dc biasing voltage is usually set using a
potentiometer and a dc supply voltage, as shown in Figure 4.10.

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FIGURE 4-2 A biased clipper.

Clippers are used in a variety of systems, most commonly to perform one of two functions:
1. Altering the shape of a waveform
2. Protecting circuits from transients
The first application is apparent in the operation of half-wave rectifiers. As you know, these circuits are
series clippers that change an alternating voltage into a pulsating dc waveform. A transient is an abrupt
current or voltage spike of extremely short duration. Left unprotected, many circuits can be damaged by
transients. Clippers can be used to protect sensitive circuits from the effects of transients, as illustrated in
Figure 4.12.
Various clipper circuits and their waveforms are given below. The output waveforms are taken using Pspice
simulation with Vm =+5V, Vbe =0.7V and Vdc =2V .

1. Series positive clipper

+ive cycle :- anode is at ground potential
and cathode sees variable +ive voltage
from 0 to +Vm
For comlpete, cycle, diode become
reverse biased and hence Vo =0V
-ive cycle :- anode is at ground potential
and cathode sees variable -ive voltage
from 0 to Vm. So in complete cycle, the
diode is forward biased and
Vo= Vin + Vd and
At negative peak, Vo= -Vm+ Vd
= -4.3V

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2.Series negative clipper
+ive cycle :- cathode is at ground potential
and anode sees variable +ive voltage from
0 to +Vm. So in complete cycle, the diode
is forward biased and
Vo= Vin - Vd and
At positive peak, Vo= Vm- Vd = 4.3V
-ive cycle :- cathode is at ground potential
and anode sees variable -ive voltage from
0 to -Vm.
When magnitude of /Vin/ >Vd diode
become reverse biased and hence Vo =0V

3.Shunt positive clipper

+ive cycle :- cathode is at ground potential
and anode sees variable +ive voltage from
0 to +Vm
When Vin >Vd diode become forward
biased and hence Vo =Vd =+0.7V
-ive cycle :- cathode is at ground potential
and anode sees variable -ive voltage from
0 to Vm. So complete cycle, the diode is
reverse biased and
Vo= Vin and at negative peak, Vo= -Vm

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4.Shunt negative clipper
+ive cycle :- anode is at ground potential
and cathode sees variable +ive voltage
from 0 to +Vm
So complete cycle, the diode is reverse
biased and Vo =Vin
At positvive peak Vo=+5V
-ive cycle :- anode is at ground potential
and cathode sees variable -ive vols from 0
to Vm.
When magnitude of in put volatge i.e / Vin/
>Vd, the diode become forward biased
and hence Vo =-Vd =0.7V

1.1.Series positve clipper with +ive bias

voltage (connected parallel to the load)
+ive cycle :- anode is at +Vdc and
cathode sees variable +ive voltage from 0
to +Vm
Vin< Vd+Vdc , the diode is forward biased
and hence Vo = Vin+Vd
When Vin >Vd+Vdc, the diode become
reverse biased and hence Vo =+Vdc =2V
-ive cycle :- anode is at +Vdc potential
and cathode sees variable -ive voltage
from 0 to Vm. So complete cycle, the
diode is forward biased and
Vo= Vin + Vd and
at negative peak, Vo= -Vm+ Vd = - 4.3V

1.2.Series positve clipper with -ive bias

voltage (connected parallel to the load)
+ive cycle :- anode is at -Vdc and cathode
sees variable +ive voltage from 0 to +Vm
So complete cycle, the diode is reverse
biased and Vo=-Vd =-2V
-ive cycle :- anode is at -Vdc potential and
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cathode sees variable -ive voltage from 0
to Vm.
/Vin/< Vd+Vdc , the diode is reverse
biased and hence Vo = -Vd
When /Vin />Vd+Vdc, the diode become
forward biased and hence Vo =+Vdc =2V
Vo= Vin + Vd and
at negative peak, Vo= -Vm+ Vd = - 4.3V
1.3. Series positve clipper with +ive bias
voltage in series
+ive cycle :- anode is at ground potental
and cathode sees variable +ive voltage of
(Vin+Vdc) i.e +Vdc to Vm+Vdc
So complete cycle, the diode is reverse
biased and hence
Vo = 0V
-ive cycle :- anode is at ground potential
and cathode sees variable voltage from
+Vdc to (Vm-Vdc).
When the magnitude of Vin i.e /Vin/<
Vdc+Vd, the diode is reviese biased and
When /Vi/>Vdc+Vd, the diode becomes
forward biased and Vo= -Vin + Vdc+Vd = (Vin-Vdc-Vd) and at negative peak,
Vo= -Vm+ Vdc+Vd =-5+2+0.7V =-2.3V

1.4.Series positve clipper with -ive bias

voltage in series
+ive cycle :- anode is at ground potental
and cathode sees variable voltage of (VinVdc) i.e Vdc to Vm-Vdc
Vin< Vdc-Vd , the diode is forward biased
and hence
Vo = Vin Vdc +Vd = Vin-(Vdc-Vd)
When Vin >Vd+Vdc, the diode becomes
reverse biased and hence Vo =0V
-ive cycle :- anode is at ground potential
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and cathode sees variable ive voltage of
Vdc to (Vm+Vdc). So in complete cycle,
the diode is forward biased and Vo = Vin
Vdc +Vd = Vin-(Vdc-Vd)
At negative peak, Vo= -Vm-Vdc+Vd =-6.3V

2.1.Series negative clipper with +ive bias

voltage (Connected in parallel)
+ive cycle :- Cathode is at +Vdc and
anoode sees variable +ive voltage from 0
to +Vm
Vin< Vd+Vdc , the diode is reverse biased
and hence Vo= +2Vdc
When Vin >Vd+Vdc, the diode become
forward biased and hence Vo =Vin-Vd .
At positive peak, Vo=5-0.7 =4.3V
-ive cycle :- cathode is at +Vdc potential
and anode sees variable -ive voltage from
0 to Vm. So complete cycle, the diode is
reverse biased and Vo=+vd =2v
2.2.Series negative clipper with -ive bias
voltage (connected in parallel)
+ive cycle :- Cathode is at -Vdc and
cathode sees variable +ive voltage from 0
to +Vm
Vin< Vd+Vdc , the diode is forward biased
and hence
Vo = Vin+Vd
When Vin >Vd+Vdc, the diode become
reverse biased and hence Vo =+Vdc =2V
-ive cycle :- anode is at +vdc potential and
cathode sees variable -ive voltage from 0
to Vm. So complete cycle, the diode is
forward biased and
Vo= Vin + Vd and
at negative peak, Vo= -Vm+ Vd =-4.3V
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2.3.Series negative clipper with +ive bias

voltage in series
+ive cycle :- cathode is at -2Vdc potental
and anode sees variable voltage of 0 to
In complete cycle, the diode is forward
biased and hence
Vo = Vin +Vdc-Vd = Vin+(Vdc-Vd). So at
positive peak Vo =Vm+Vdc-Vd =6.3V
When Vin >Vd+Vdc, the diode becomes
reverse biased and hence Vo =0V
-ive cycle :- cathode is at -2Vdc potental
and anode sees variable voltage of 0 to
When /Vin/<Vdc-Vd, the diode is forward
biased and hence Vo = Vin +Vdc-Vd
When /Vin/>Vdc-Vd, the diode is reverse
biased and hence Vo = 0V
2.4.Series negative clipper with -ive bias
voltage in series
+ive cycle :- cathode is at +2Vdc and
anode sees variable voltage of 0 to Vm
Vin< Vdc+Vd , the diode is reverse biased
and hence Vo=0
When Von> Vdc+Vd, the diode becomes
forward biased and hence
Vo = Vin Vdc -Vd = Vin-(Vdc+Vd). So at
positive peak, Vo =2.3V
-ive cycle :- cathode is at +2Vdc and
anode sees variable voltage of 0 to -Vm
So in complete cycle, the diode is reverse
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biased and Vo = 0V

3.1Shunt positve clipper with +ive shunt

bias voltage
+ive cycle :- cathode is at +Vdc and
anode sees variable +ive voltage from 0 to
Vin< Vdc+Vd, the diode is reverse biased
and hence
Vo = Vin
When Vin >Vd+Vdc, the diode become
forward biased and hence Vo =+Vdc+Vd
-ive cycle :- cathode is at +Vdc and anode
sees variable -ive voltage from 0 to -Vm
So complete cycle, the diode is reverse
Vo= Vin and at negative peak, Vo= -Vm

3.2 Shunt positve clipper with -ive shunt

bias voltage
+ive cycle :- cathode is at -Vdc and anode
sees variable +ive voltage from 0 to +Vm
So complete cycle, the diode is forward
biased and
Vo = -Vdc+Vd =- (Vdc-Vd)= -1.3V
-ive cycle :- cathode is at -Vdc and anode
sees variable -ive voltage from 0 to -Vm
So when the magnitude of input volatge
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Vdc =2V

Vdc =2V


i.e /Vin/< Vdc, the diode is forward biased
Vo = - (Vdc-Vd)= -1.3V
So complete cycle, the diode is reverse
Vo= Vin and at negative peak, Vo= -Vm
= -5V

4.1 Shunt negative clipper with +ive bias

voltage connected in parallel
. +ive cycle :- anode is at +Vdc and
cathode sees variable +ive voltage from 0
to +Vm
When Vin<Vdc-Vd, the diode is forward
biased and Vo =Vdc-Vd =1.3V
When Vin>Vdc-Vd, the diode is reverse
biased and Vo =Vin. At positive peak,
-ive cycle :- anode is at +Vdc and cathode
sees variable -ive voltage from 0 to -Vm
So complete cycle, the diode is forward
biased and
Vo =Vdc-Vd =1.3V

4.2 Shunt negative clipper with -ive bias

voltage (connected in parallel)
+ive cycle :- anode is at -Vdc and cathode
sees variable +ive voltage from 0 to +Vm
So in complete cycle , the diode is reverse
biased and Vo =Vin At +ive peak, Vo=+Vm
-ive cycle :- anode is at -Vdc and cathode
sees variable -ive voltage from 0 to -Vm
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When the magnitude of Vin i.e
/Vin/<Vdc+Vd , the diode is reverse biased
and hence Vo=Vin
When /Vin/>Vdc+Vd , the didoe becomes
forward biased and Vo = -Vdc-Vd =-2.7V

5.Two side clipper :- (Combination of

positive shunt clipper with +ive bias and
negative shunt clipper with negative bias)
+ive cycle :Cathode of D1 is at +Vdc1 and anode sees
variable +ive voltage from 0 to +Vm
Anode of D2 is at Vdc2 and cathode sees
variable +ive voltage from 0 to +Vm
For complete cycle, diode D2 is reversed
When Vin<Vdc1+Vd1, both D1 & D2 are
reverse biased So Vo =Vin
When Vin>Vdc+Vdc1, D1 becomes
forward biased and D2 in reverse biased
condition. Vo =Vdc1+Vd1 =2.7V
-ive cycle :Cathode of D1 is at +Vdc1 and anode sees
variable -ive voltage from 0 to -Vm
Anode of D2 is at Vdc2 and cathode sees
variable -ive voltage from 0 to Vm
For complete cycle, D1 is reverse biased
When /Vin/<Vdc2+Vd2, both D1 & D2 are
reverse biased So Vo =Vin
When /Vin/>Vdc2+Vd2, D2 becomes
forward and D1 in reverse biased
Vo =-Vdc2-Vd2 = -2.7V
In this type, the positive and negative
clipping level can be independently varied

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6.1 Two level clipper where Vdc1> Vdc2
(note If Vdc1< Vdc2, both diodes conduct
and it is not desirable condition) Assune
ideal diode
+ive cycle :Cathode of D1 is at +Vdc1 and anode sees
variable +ive voltage from 0 to +Vm
Anode of D2 is at +Vdc2 and cathode sees
variable +ive voltage from 0 to +Vm
Vin <Vdc2
Vin >Vdc1



Vdc2 =25v
Vdc1 =100V

-ive cycle :Cathode of D1 is at +Vdc1 and anode sees

variable -ive voltage from 0 to -Vm
Anode of D2 is at +Vdc2 and cathode sees
variable -ive voltage from 0 to Vm
So complete cycle, D2 is forward iased,
&1 is reversed
So Vo = Vdc2

6.2. two side clipper

+ive cycle
Vin = 0
Vin = 0 to



Vdc2 =25V
Vdc2 =25V

>Vin >25V



Vo = 25V+ VR2
= 25V+2/3 *Vin



Vo=Vdc1 =100V

Vin = 25V
to 137.5V

So get Vo =100V dc , Vin = 137.5V

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Negative cycle, both D1 & D2 does not
conducts So Vo= 25V

Clampers (DC Restorers)

A clamper is a circuit that is designed to shift a waveform above or below a dc reference voltage without
altering the shape of the waveform. This results in a change in the dc average of the waveform. Both of
these statements are illustrated in Figure 4-3. (The clamper has changed the dc average of the input
waveform from 0 V to +5 V without altering its shape.)

FIGURE 4-3 A clamper with its input and (ideal) output waveforms.
There are two basic types of clampers:
A positive clamper shifts its input waveform in a positive direction, so that it lies above a dc
reference voltage. For example, the positive clamper in Figure 4-3 shifts the input waveform so that
it lies above 0 V (the dc reference voltage).
A negative clamper shifts its input waveform in a negative direction, so that it lies below a dc
reference voltage.
Both types of clampers, along with their input and output waveforms, are shown in Figure. The direction of
the diode determines whether the circuit is a positive or negative clamper.
Clamper operation is based on the concept of switching time constants. The capacitor charges through the
diode and discharges through the load. As a result, the circuit has two time constants:

For the charge cycle,

For the discharge cycle,



is the resistance of the diode)

is the resistance of the load)

is normally much greater than
, the capacitor charges much more quickly than it discharges.
As a result, the input waveform is shifted as illustrated in Figure 4.16.

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A biased clamper allows a waveform to be shifted above (or below) a dc reference other than 0 V. Several
examples of biased clampers are shown in Figure 4-4.

FIGURE Several biased clampers.

The circuit in Figure (a) uses a dc supply voltage (V) and a potentiometer to set the potential at the cathode
. By varying the setting of
, the dc reference voltage for the circuit can be varied between
approximately 0 V and the value of the dc supply voltage.
The zener clamper in Figure (b) uses a zener diode to set the dc reference voltage for the circuit. The dc
reference voltage for this circuit is approximately equal to
. Note that zener clampers are
limited to two varieties:
Negative clampers with positive dc reference voltages
Positive clampers with negative dc reference voltages

Positive clamper

Positive clamper
First positive cycle:Diode is reverse biased and Vo= Vin .
First negative cycle:Diode is forward biased and capacitor is charging with very low time constant. At negative peak, Vc=Vm -Vd After peak diode
becomes reverse biased as Vc>Vin.
Vo = Vin+Vc
Subsequent positive and negative cycles :- Time constant of Capacitor discharge is very high.(=C*100k). In each negative

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cycle, Vc charges to max. value. In both cycles Vo= Vin + Vc

When Vdc =2V

Here Vc capacitor voltage charges to higher
i.e Vc=Vm + Vdc -Vd Other explanation is same as
for the positive clamper.

When Vdc =-2V

Here Vc capacitor voltage charges to lower voltage
i.e Vc=Vm -Vdc -Vd Other explanation is same as
for the positive clamper.

Negative clamper

Negative clamper
First positive cycle:Diode is forward biased and capacitor is charging with very low time constant. At positive peak, Vc=Vm.-Vdc After

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peak, diode becomes reverse biased as Vc>Vin.
Vo = Vin-Vc
Subsequent negative and positive cycles :- Time constant of Capacitor discharge is very high.(=C*100k). In each
positive cycle, Vc charges to max. value. In both cycles
Vo= Vin Vc. (Vin is +ive for positive cycle and ive for negative cycle)

When Vdc =- 2V
Here Vc capacitor voltage charges to higher
voltage i.e Vc=Vm + Vdc -Vd Other explanation is
same as above

Unit I /d:- Practical Applications There are many practical applications of diode . few which we study this semester are
Polarity Insurance:- This circuit is mainly used to protect the expensive system against the reverse
polarity voltage . A diode is connected at in put as shown below

Normal condition diode is reverse biased and voltage is applied across the system. When in put is
reverse biased, then diode becomes reverse biased and only 0.7 is applied to system thus
protecting the system against the over voltage
Polarity Detector :- This circuit is mainly used to identify the polarity of the unknown voltage Given dc
voltage is to be connected to the Diode & LED circuit as given below

If terminal A is +ive and B is -ive then , D1 is forward biased and Led L1 glows.
If terminal A is -ive and B is +ive then , D2 is forward biased and Led L2 glows.
AEC unit 1 Notes
Staff :- KRS TE Dept PESIT Session :- Aug-Dec 2012

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