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Newsletter for Grade 3/4

SKATING: Our class will have the opportunity to go skating on our school rink every
Thursday in February (weather permitting). A reminder that helmets are required.
What are we learning about?
Mathematics- We are exploring Multiplication and Division with
an early emphasis on understanding the big idea that the
different math operations are related to one another.
Social Studies- We will be starting historical studies.
Timelines for Grade 3 include Colonial Canada and timelines
for Grade 4 include early societies like Medieval Europe and
Ancient Greece.
Religion- Februarys focus is theological virtue of Love. We will
be portraying biblical parables for drama.
Arts- Mrs.Fisher will continue to visit us weekly. In term 1, she
taught Drama and Dance. In term 1, she will be teaching Visual
Arts and Music. I will switch from focussing on Visual Arts to a
focus on Drama for term 2.

Important Dates
Every Thursday-Skating
Wed., Feb.4-Frontenacs visit
Fri., Feb.6-Winter Carnival

Winter Carnival Outdoor Day:

Friday, February 6th
On Friday morning, we will be outside all
morning (weather permitting) for rotation
through fun activity stations. It is
important that all students are dressed
according to the weather conditions.

Mon.,Feb.9-Symphony Trip;100th Day

Thurs., Feb.12th-Valentine Party
Mon.,Feb.16-Family Day Holiday
Tues., Feb.17-Shrove Tuesday
Wed., Feb.18-Ash Wed Mass and
Report Cards go home

Valentines Day Celebration:

Thursday, February 12th
Students are invited to bring in any
snacks to share with the class on
Thursday the 12th following last
recess. Valentines will be distributed at
this time as well. (I will be away at a
school board workshop on the 13th so
we are celebrating together a day early!)

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