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Weekly Newsletter

Mr. Burgess History class

This week in History:
On January 28th 1986, the space shuttle Challenger exploded minutes after take off.
On January 30th 1882, 32nd president Franklin D. Roosevelt was born.

This week in Class:

This week in class we will be discussing the life and presidency of Theodore Roosevelt.
Students will need to read Pages 85 to 92 in their text books as we will be having a quiz over the
material at the beginning of class. We will also be having a team contest in class on Friday over
the material in class. The winning team will receive five bonus points toward test 3 at the end of
next week. You must be in class all week to be eligible to win.

The class trip to the History Museum February 18th has been approved! I have handed out
waivers to the students to be signed by a parent/legal guardian to be returned no later than
February 17th. This is an awesome opportunity and certainly not one to be missed. Students will
need to pack a lunch for the trip, and if any child chooses, the lunch ladies have been kind
enough to pack lunches. Spending money is not required. I hope to see you all There!
Remember, History Is all around you in the world. Many have come and gone leaving little
clues and hints at their lives and existences, Put your Indiana Jones hat on and go
Mr. Burges

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