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Lirik lagu: Oh My!

Terasa dalam hati

Inginku bercakap dengan fasih
Tapi takut nak berlatih
Nanti orang kata melebih
Oh malu!
Tetapi kata cikgu
Belajar memang tak boleh malu
Otherwise how can we improve?
Check it out! Im getting into the
Heres Juzzthin!
S C H double O L whats that?
Know the rules, from the left, right,
Put your hands up. Ask your
You will know more. Its going to be
worth it
Oh my, oh my, yeah, we all can work
so practise your English
Practice makes perfect.
Oh my, oh my, oh my, salah lagi
Oh my, oh my, oh my, dont laugh at
Oh my, oh my, oh my, let us practise
Oh my, oh my, oh my, Oh My English
Mari kita berlatih sama-sama!

Terasa tidak sabar

Nak cakap dengan petah dan lancar
Tapi aku asyik silap
Sampaikan Juzzthin kata Whats up!

It aint easy, Im no magician
Its hard work and lots of ambition
Essay is tough but we are to help
Score your As all by yourself
Its not a dream, we can make it real
Come to the class and meet the crew
Wherever you wanna sit just pick and
Cant wait to learn just like you
Dan akhirnya pintu mula terbuka
And I am on my way
Salah silap itu perkara biasa
Just keep on going every day!
Hey is your name, Daiyan?
Cause Im dying to meet you!
Mari betulkan
Congrats, bukan congrates
We out!

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