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Star Wars Film Poster

The main colours are deep
blues with pops of colour.
The character clothing are
very contrasting. The
protagonists (Luke, Leia &
Han Solo) are mainly white
which connotes purity
indicating they are the
good guys. On the other
hand Darth Vader, the main
enemy, is all black which
connotes evil.

They also include the

most important cast
members, like the main
actors (Harrison Ford,
Carrie Fisher), writer/
director (George
Lucas), producer (Gary
Kurtz) etc.

Character Images
All the images within in the
poster are key aspects of the
film. Main characters, with the
enemy (Darth Vader) behind
and in a higher position,
showing the characters
All the characters have their
weapons individual to this film
(lightsabers), this represents
that this film will be in the
action genre.
The other supporting
characters (Chewbacca, R2D2, C-3P0 etc) are smaller
than the main characters but
are important to the plot, so
have a position nearer the
front so the audience are
shown their significance.
These characters are intriguing
to the audience as it shows the
sci-fi aspect to the film as they
are the only non-humans.


They included the logo of

Dolby System which is the
company the Director would
have used to get all the
technologies necessary for
filming. (Camera, sound
equipment etc.)

The title is very bold

and stands out to its
background as it is
contrasting colours. It also
has reference to the
beginning of the film, where
the story is introduced. The
fill of the title background is
also of the sky and the
stars, which represents the
setting of the film.

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