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The Fill Line


A column for firehouse reading by Thomas J. Parsons

While out scoot-a-pootin. How many noticed the year was wrong on the February 2013 Fill Line? I had just
sent it out and then eased to the top of the document and see2012.OOPS! Say, who proofs this thing
I was able to appreciate the wisdom of the firefighter association leaders with Valentines Day being spent
with the wives, girlfriends etc. I prepared a winning meal for the love of my life, and the days festivities
concluded as a hit. I told her later that wouldnt have been possible if I was out on assignment in Red Oak.
Did you know that Tom Leverentz has separated from the Ovilla fire dept due to his new schedule? Also,
Jan and Bobby Wilkinson retired from the Garrett Area Rural Volunteer Fire Department after over 25 years
of service? They voice that they have both enjoyed the experiences and training, plus meeting people from all
over Texas and other states. Each will continue to support the department in any way possible, just not on a
daily basis. Bobby notes that, We will be leaving the department in the capable hands of Randy Thomas,
Chief, and James Patrick Mach, Secretary Treasurer. Both these men have been members for over 10 years
and have worked hard building a great department. Keep connected you guys!
Chrissy Rogalski mentioned that she spoke with someone at the Texas Forest service and she said the
Helping Hands group had just received 9 pallets of used Bunker Gear from the City of Houston Fire Dept. If
your dept is in need of some additional gear, let us know and well send you more info.
John Colombo Sees reminds me of just one more thing. He says, You know how the fire companies have
a saying, We fight what you fear, Snyder County bad boys, First in last out, etc. Well, my dad use to
take notes of the Hookies (a volunteer H&L company in PA) company meetings. I am told that he would
always end them with And we remain. Someone remembered this and the Hookies are going to use that as
their saying. John concluded that it would have been nice if he were alive to see it. John also wished that his
Dad were able to know his (Johns) daughter Jennifer was active in the fire service, or to have all 4 of them:
Richard, (a brother) Jennifer, Dad, and himself crewing the H&L truck. What a neat story!
There was a nice write up on the Bristol Fire Department in Ennis Now. The article features Chief Eddie
Milner and the 16-member organization, and also showed the Beast, their newest apparatus. The firehouse is
located on Old Walnut and serves the ESD #7. Ask them about the bunny breakfast. I have yet to set eyes on
the beast close-up. Did you know there is a world famous hood ornament celebrating 80 years. Alford Fellows
made the design and the idea was first carved from a bar of soap. Hint, that 80 equals to about 560 dog years.
Any ideas? Let me know what you find.
Red Oaks newest delivery is their second Spartan ERV Pumper from Metro Fire Apparatus Specialist Inc.
now in service. Engine 181 features include: Spartan ERV's star series body with smart storage, SVI Shadow
telescoping scene light, Waterous 1500gpm pump, 750 gallon water tank, Foam Pro 1600 Class A system with
a 30 gallon foam tank, and Whelan LED lighting all on a Spartan Metro Star EMFD Chassis. We can get a
closer look while attending the quarterly meeting March 14, 2013 7 PM at their Central station.
Has anyone ever seen the book, 250 ways to stay best friends forever, by Sam Brown? The book contains
some thought provoking ideas on the concept. It takes work! Anyway, Sam was involved with the Dallas fire
service for 35 years and is also a celebrated speaker and lecturer. Speaking of books, The Firehouse Kitchen
sales are looking really good; dont have a copy? You can check out FSP Books and Videos to order your
copy at (800) 522-8528, and the book is also available at
The sign in the hallway of the firehouse read, Our Chief is always right. He may be misinformed, perhaps
sloppy and crude, even fickle, bullheaded, or stupid, BUT NEVER WRONG!!
I was told the other day that I needed to check with an associate about a department issue. A subordinate
suggested an e-mail, but as I picked up the telephone, I told the subordinate I would rather use the ear mail.
Meanwhile, keep the hoses dry and Ill hope to see you while scoot-a-pootin. To connect with me, phone:
972-878-0562, or e-mail: I need to hear from you so we can share the
happenings at your station with the rest of the country!
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Question of the Month: March The terms rack, tower, ram, and mechanical are widely used in fire service
jargon. What single fire department item is used with three of those terms?
The answer for: February. It was 1971 when the Argocat made its dbut. The vehicle had a plastic body and
was about 10 ft long. The motor was a 436 cc two-stroke engine and was used primarily designed for off road
type firefighting, like grass fires etc. With a crew of six and a portable pump, there wasnt room for much else
given its size. The British made vehicle is no longer in production.
The Firehouse kitchen. (Continued from Feb/13) The illustrated instructions of the ancient furnace show to
ignite the pilot light, first depress gas feed for 15 seconds, then push igniter, and adjust the flame. Dink looks
into the open end of the furnace, but somehow the igniter lever appears to be missing, but Dink figures he will
depress the gas feed and then hold the lighter near the opening of the pipe, and hope for the best. It all sounds
good until Dink finds the only way to perform the task is to squeeze between the wall and the firebox. A little
adjustment will be required, bend a little at the knees and reach into the small opening, push the gas feed, but
wait, Dinks left arm is behind him with the lighter in hand.
Dink tries another approach, this time both arms forward, he bends, but is too low, so he finds an old SCBA
case to lie on, and tries again. The case will provide the something to lean on, and he pushes the gas feed. The
hiss of gas makes Dink jump and the SCBA box slides away and Dink lands on his side on the floor between
the wall and firebox.
Meanwhile, the others are waiting and call out to see if Dink is Okay. There is no answer. They think Dink
may either be overcome with gas, lost the lighter, or just plain chickened out and retreated out the back door.
Curbs in his infinite wisdom feels that the next available man must go to investigate. Of course it is an
unwritten rule that the officers are exempt. Reach points out that he is the cook; he should not be expected to
participate in this hazardous assignment. Books looks at the Captain, says something about his religion, if he
wanted to be a by-god furnace maintenance man he would have a job in heating and air, and besides he has
the union on speed dial. So Curbs is directed by Chief Burns to accept the assignment, since future leaders
must lead, and if he ever expects to make lieutenant he must step forward, besides Curbs was closest to the
steps leading to the hallway. Curbs hasnt quite figured the logic, but suddenly finds he is standing alone at
the base of the steps as the others retreat closer to the overhead door. Curbs reluctantly proceeds up the stairs
and peers into the furnace room.
To this point one could hear a pin drop as a sweaty (despite the cold) Dink has readjusted himself, manages
to hold the gas feed down for what he thinks is a few moments, but then the lighter fails to light. Curbs enters
the furnace room, but can only see Dinks legs but with no obvious motion thinks he has passed out from the
gas. Curbs gets closer to Dink and calls out loudly, AARRACH, YA ALRIGHT DINK? Up to this point the
only sound has either been Dinks own breathing, or the hiss of the gas from the gas feed. Dink jumps, and the
SCBA case slides away from the wall. Oddly enough, the lighter decides to light off.
But also there is a very loud KA-BOOM! The sudden boom has rattled the front window of the bodega
next to the firehouse, and the clerk calls the fire department reporting a nearby explosion. Dispatch taps out
a first assignment, however there is no acknowledgement from firehouse #13. (Concludes next month).

Prayer portion. I was recently assigned the mens Sunday school portion of services and initiated a group
involvement instead of a lecture format. I am the facilitator, assigning someone with an individual topic, and
everyone gets to give their input. I wanted a fun environment, yet an informative exchange with everyones
interaction. So far it seems successful. No one ever said Sunday school had to be boring. On the other hand, it
doesnt take a group to have fellowship with Him, as one can get involvement with personal daily reading of
the Word. Dont let the attitude of the world discourage your fellowship with God. We offer prayer for the
discouraged and the needs of the generation. Be bold and proclaim the name of Jesus Christ. God bless.

Remember to attend the Ellis County Firefighters Association Meeting! See you at Red Oak Central
Fire Station on March 14, 2013 at 7 PM!

Remember; dont leave the station with out your FILL LINE!
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