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Culture Fights Back

They say art has power. But can it bring about peace? Can a rap or a mural
change hardened spirits? Well the film Cultures of Resistance says yes, yes it can.
The documentary shows a number of different conflicts from different
countries each with their own sad story to tell. From these dark corners rose
everyday heroes with art as their weapons of peace, and using culture as their
means of resistance.
The film shows its message clearly by showing individuals using their
creative ingenuity to fight against oppression. Some notable artists are the
Brazilian who changed an AK-47 to a guitar with the message If these weapons of
destruction can change why cant we?, the Iranian rapper who raps about peace
in his homeland and for the rest of the world, the monks who use their traditions
and principle to deliver powerful messages, and the Palestinian filmmakers who
shoot their films from the eyes of the most affected, the children. From these
scenes the viewers learn that even small gestures can make a difference. What
makes the message even more powerful is the fact that the films show uncensored
footage of people and children dying. These images really gave me chills but as
morbid as they may be, they also made me appreciate more what the said artists
are trying to do, given their situation. Also without those scenes and images I
believe the films impact on the audience would have suffered.
Overall the film was good. It had good quality video and average quality
sound, I say average because I couldnt hear some of the commentaries. What
makes the film great is the way it makes you feel. It makes you feel really sad from
the start and slowly restores your faith in humanity. It gives both this feeling of
hope and hopelessness at the same time and right at the ending it delivers a truly
powerful scene, different people from different parts of the world ignored their
differences and stood up for one common cause, peace. With that ending I can say
the film went out with a bang.

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