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: a set of symptoms (as headache, fatigue, and eye irritation) typically affecting workers in modern airtight office buildings
that is believed to be caused by indoor pollutants (as formaldehyde fumes or microorganisms) compare MULTIPLE CHEMICAL



sick building syndrome

noun \-bil-di-\

(Medical Dictionary)

Medical Definition of SICK BUILDING SYNDROME

: a set of symptoms (as headache, fatigue, eye irritation, and breathing difficulties) that typically affect workers in modern
airtight office buildings, that are believed to be caused by indoor pollutants (as formaldehyde fumes, particulate matter, or
microorganisms), and that tend to disappear when affected individuals leave the buildingabbreviation SBS;

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Sick building syndrome (SBS) is used to describe situations in which building occupants experience acute health and comfort effects that
appear to be linked to time spent in a building, but no specific illness or cause can be identified. A 1984 World Health Organization report
suggested up to 30% of new and remodeled buildings worldwide may be subject of complaints related to poor indoor air quality.[1]
Sick building causes are frequently pinned down to flaws in the heating, ventilation, and air conditioning (HVAC) systems. Other causes have
been attributed to contaminants produced by outgassing of some types of building materials, volatile organic
compounds (VOC), molds (see mold health issues), improper exhaust ventilation of ozone (byproduct of some office machinery), light industrial
chemicals used within, or lack of adequate fresh-air intake/air filtration (see Minimum Efficiency Reporting Value).
Symptoms are often dealt with after the fact by boosting the overall turn-over rate of fresh air exchange with the outside air, but the new green
building design goal should be able to avoid most of the SBS problem sources in the first place, minimize the ongoing use of VOC cleaning
compounds, and eliminate conditions that encourage allergenic mold growth.

1 Symptoms

2 Causes

3 Prevention

4 Gender differences

5 History

6 See also

7 References

8 Further reading

9 Further reading

Building occupants complain of symptoms such as sensory irritation of the eyes, nose, throat; neurotoxic or general health problems; skin
irritation; nonspecific hypersensitivityreactions; and odor and taste sensations.[2]

Several sick occupants may report individual symptoms which do not appear to be connected. The key to discovery is the increased incidence of
illnesses in general with onset or exacerbation within a fairly close time frame - usually within a period of weeks. In most cases, SBS symptoms
will be relieved soon after the occupants leave the particular room or zone. [3] However, there can be lingering effects of various neurotoxins,
which may not clear up when the occupant leaves the building. In some cases, particularly in sensitive individuals, there can be long-term health

Sick Building Syndrome can be caused by inadequate ventilation, chemical contaminants from indoor or outdoor sources, and/or biological
contaminants. Many volatile organic compounds, which are considered chemical contaminants, can cause acute effects on the occupants of a
building. "Bacteria, molds, pollen, and viruses are types of biological contaminants" and can all cause SBS. The American Society of Heating,
Refrigerating and Air-Conditioning Engineers (ASHRAE) recently revised its ventilation standard to provide a minimum of 15 cfm of outdoor air
per person (20 cfm/person in office spaces). In addition, pollution from outdoors, such as motor vehicle exhaust, can contribute to SBS. [4]


Roof shingle nonpressure cleaning for removal of algae, mold, and Gloeocapsa magma.
Using ozone to eliminate the many sources, such as VOC, molds, mildews, bacteria, viruses, and even odours.
Pollutant source removal or modification to storage of sources.
Replacement of water-stained ceiling tiles and carpeting.
Use of paints, adhesives, solvents, and pesticides in well-ventilated areas and use of these pollutant sources during periods of

Increasing the number of air exchanges; the American Society of Heating, Refrigeration and Air-Conditioning Engineers recommend
a minimum of 8.4 air exchanges per 24-hour period.

Proper and frequent maintenance of HVAC systems.

UV-C light in the HVAC plenum.
Regular vacuuming with a HEPA filter vacuum cleaner to collect and retain 99.97% of particles down to and including
0.3 micrometers.

Add toxin-absorbing plants, such as sansevieria.[5][6][7]

Gender differences[edit]
There might be a gender difference in reporting rates of sick building syndrome because women tend to report more symptoms than men do.
Along with this, some studies have found that women have a more responsive immune system and are more prone to mucosal dryness and
facial erythema. Also, women are alleged by some to be more exposed to indoor environmental factors because they have a greater tendency to
have clerical jobs, wherein they are exposed to unique office equipment and materials (example: blueprintmachines), whereas men often have
jobs based outside of offices.[8]

In the late 1970s, it was noted that nonspecific symptoms were reported by tenants in newly constructed homes, offices, and nurseries. In media
it was called "office illness. "The term "Sick Building Syndrome" was coined by WHO in 1986, when they also estimated that 10-30% of newly
built office buildings in the West had indoor air problems. Early Danish and British studies reported symptoms.
Poor indoor environments attracted attention. The Swedish allergy study (SOU 1989:76) designated "sick building" as a cause of the allergy
epidemic as was feared. In the 1990s, therefore, extensive research into "sick building" was carried out. Various physical and chemical factors in
the buildings were examined on a broad front.
The problem was highlighted increasingly in media and was described as a "ticking time bomb". Many studies were performed in individual
In the 1990s "sick buildings" were contrasted against "healthy buildings". The chemical contents of building materials was highlighted. Many
building material manufacturers were actively working to gain control of the chemical content and to replace criticized additives. The ventilation
industry advocated above all more well-functioning ventilation. Others perceived ecological construction, natural materials, and simple
techniques as a solution.
At the end of the 1990s came an increased distrust of the concept of "sick building". A dissertation at Karolinska Institutet in Stockholm 1999
questioned the methodology of previous research, and a Danish study from 2005 showed these flaws experimentally. It was suggested that Sick
Building Syndrome was not really a coherent syndrome and was not a disease to be individually diagnosed. In 2006 the Swedish National Board
of Health and Welfare recommended in the medical journal Lkartidningen that "Sick building syndrome" should not be used as a clinical
diagnosis. Thereafter, it has become increasingly less common to use terms such as "sick buildings" and "Sick Building Syndrome" in research.
However, the concept remains alive in popular culture and is used to designate the set of symptoms related to poor home or work environment
engineering. "Sick building" is therefore an expression used especially in the context of workplace health, [9][10]

See also[edit]

Aerotoxic syndrome
Multiple chemical sensitivity
Somatization disorder



Jump up^ "Sick Building Syndrome". United States Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved 2009-02-19.


Jump up^ Godish, Thad (2001). Indoor Environmental Quality. New York: CRC Press. pp. 196-197. ISBN 1-56670-402-2


Jump up^ "Sick Building Syndrome." National Safety Council. (2009) Retrieved April 27, 2009. [1]


Jump up^ "Sick Building Syndrome". United States Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved 2009-02-19.


Jump up^


Jump up^


Jump up^


Jump up^ Godish, Thad (2001). Indoor Environmental quality. New York: CRC Press. pp. 196-197. ISBN 1-56670-402-2


Jump up^ "Sick Building Syndrome - Fact Sheet". United States Environmental Protection Agency. Retrieved 2013-06-06.


Jump up^ "Sick Building Syndrome". National Health Service, England. Retrieved 2013-06-06.

Further reading[edit]

Martn-Gil J, Yanguas MC, San Jos JF, Rey-Martnez and Martn-Gil FJ. "Outcomes of research into a sick hospital". Hospital
Management International, 1997, pp 8082. Sterling Publications Limited.

ke Thrn, The Emergence and preservation of sick building syndrome, KI 1999.

Charlotte Brauer, The sick building syndrome revisited, Copenhagen 2005.
Michelle Murphy, Sick Building Syndrome and the Problem of Uncertainty, 2006.
Johan Carlson, "Gemensam frklaringsmodell fr sjukdomar kopplade till inomhusmiljn finns inte" [Unified explanation for diseases
related to indoor environment does not exist.]. Lkartidningen 2006/12.

Further reading[edit]

Research Committee Report on Diagnosis and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Response Syndrome Caused by Exposure to the
Interior Environment of Water-Damaged Buildings (PDF)

Our Sick building syndrome Main Article provides a comprehensive look at the who, what, when and how of Sick building syndrome

Definition of Sick building syndrome


10 Common Allergy Triggers Slideshow Pictures


Take the Quiz on Allergies


Nasal Allergy Relief Slideshow: Products That Work


Sick building syndrome: The term "sick building syndrome" (SBS) is used to describe situations in which building occupants
experience acute health and comfort effects that appear to be linked to time spent in a building, but no specific illness or cause can be
identified. The complaints may be localized in a particular room or zone, or may be widespread throughout the building.
A 1984 World Health Organization Committee report suggested that up to 30 percent of new and remodeled buildings worldwide may
be the subject of excessive complaints related to indoor air quality (IAQ). Often this condition is temporary, but some buildings have
long-term problems. Frequently, problems result when a building is operated or maintained in a manner that is inconsistent with its

original design or prescribed operating procedures. Sometimes indoor air problems are a result of poor building design or occupant
Building occupants complain of symptoms associated with acute discomfort, including headache, eye, nose, or throat irritation, dry
cough, dry or itchy skin, dizziness and nausea, difficulty in concentrating, fatigue, and sensitivity to odors. The cause of the symptoms
is not known. Most of the complainants report relief soon after leaving the building.
Some of the causes of SBS are inadequate ventilation, chemical contaminants from indoor sources - carpeting, upholstery,
manufactured wood products, copy machines, chemical contaminants from outdoor sources - motor vehicle exhaust, poorly located
intake vents, biological contaminants - mold, pollen, and from materials that may have become wet through a leaky roof or air cooling
system. These elements may act in combination, and may supplement other complaints such as inadequate temperature, humidity, or
lighting. Even after a building investigation, however, the specific causes of the complaints may remain unknown.

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