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Benzyl Alcohol

Mechanism of action
Benzyl alcohol is thought to inhibit lice from closing their respiratory
spiracles, allowing the lotion to obstruct the spiracles
and causing the lice to asphyxiate.
Clinical use
Because of the mechanism of action of benzyl alcohol, lice are
less likely to develop resistance to the drug compared with
permethrin. Patients with long hair may need up to six bottles
of lotion to completely cover their hair during a single application.
Because benzyl alcohol does not eliminate lice eggs, a
second treatment, 1 week after the first, is necessary.
Adverse effects
Although unlikely with topical application, intravenous products
containing benzyl alcohol have been associated with
neonatal gasping syndrome, with manifestations including
gasping respiration, metabolic acidosis, and hypotension.
As a result of the risk of neonatal gasping syndrome, this drug
should not be administered in infants younger than 6 months.

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