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Student Name: Afeefah Hanif

Course Code: ECS4080

Learning Experience: Comparing Names

Age Group: 4- 6 years old

Date: January, 15, 2014

Programming Purpose
The teachers are focusing on measurement, thus this lesson is to assist
in the process as children practice measuring.
The children will:
1. Improve cognitive understating and skills as they determine the shortest and
longest name and also placing them in order from longest to shortest.
2. Further develop their language skills as they write their names on the grid
piece of paper, cautioning as they write their names using the block by letter
3. Expand their social skills and team work cooperation to rearrange all of the
names in order.
Setting the Stage
- Large construction paper
- Rulers
- Pencils
- Scissors
- Paper

Role of the Educator

Introduction: This activity will be introduced during work groups
Teaching Strategy #1: Guided Practice
Using this method, I will have the children apply what they have learnt in the
previous lesson about measuring their partners feet, to then measure their
own names using blocks on the grid piece of paper with their names filled in.
They will be asked to align all of the name sin classroom in order from shortest
to longest. This will be a challenge, but will be asked to work together to solve
the problems that arise.
Teaching Strategy #2: Silence
As children will be asked to work together most of the time, I will simply
observe what they are doing and assist when needed only. I will avoid
disrupting when the children are engaging with each other. With their
attentive observation during the activity, it will be an excellent experience for
Teaching Strategy #3: Performing Task Analysis
There is a variety of materials available for the child to use. There are also
diferent tasks that have to be done for example, writing their names,
counting the blocks and letters, cutting of the actual length, then placing all
of the names in the classroom in order.
Positive Reinforcement Strategies:
Encouragement will be given through prompts such as:
1. Tell me about
2. I like
3. I noticed
Redirect them in a positive manner
Praise them
Setting Limits:
- The children are free to explore the activity by measuring the names

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