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September, 2012

LLB/ SEM-I/12-13/MT/Eco.I
Max. Marks: 60

Economics - I
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)

(1 x 20)
1. `The mixed economy came into existence with the positive aspects of capitalism and socialism and with the
rejection of negative aspects of both the systems. In this light, explain the features of capitalism, socialism and
the mixed economy.
Define the elasticity of demand and explain in detail its degrees with the help of diagrams. What are the methods
by which it can be measured? Describe with formula or suitable example or both.
(Section B)
(5 x 4)
2. Welfare definition of economics and its criticism.
3. The causes of environmental degradation.
4. The law of Demand.
5. Interrelation between Economics and Law.
6. Relation between total utility (TU) and marginal utility (MU) with diagram.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

The Voluntary Discloser Scheme(section 68 of the Finance Act) refers to:

a. Tax rates

b. Distribution of money c. Black money

d. White money

ii. Silent Valley Movement is associated with:

a. Sugatha Kumari b. Arundhati Roy c. Medha Patkar d. Baba Amte
iii. Growth definition of economics is given by. in the year. .

Give two examples of renewable resources.


Who has defined the concept of sustainable development?


The Law of Equi-Marginal Utility is related to more than commodity.

vii. Cross elasticity of demand refers to a situation where price of A commodity falls and demand for B commodity
. .
viii. Ruskin criticized the definition of economics which was given by .. .

If the rate of generation of wastages is greater than assimilation capacity, there will not be environmental


Cardinal approach to utility analysis assumes that utility is measurable in terms of money.


September, 2012

English - I

LLB/ SEM-I/12-13/MT/Eng.I
Max. Marks: 60

Answer all the questions.

Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)
(1 x 20)

Read the following:


Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed and digested; study
the lawyers' cases: so every defect of the mind, may have a special receipt. ( Francis Bacon, Of Studies)


In short, you have achieved the greatest human triumph- you have got something for nothing. Can
you conceive of a more impish hoax? (E V Lucas, On Finding Things)

Write a comparative note on the two prose style marked above.

Discuss Philadelphia as:

A Case Study of Ethical Dilemmas in the Workplace.

Andrew has been sabotaged or he is an excellent lawyer and, that he has a case.

(Section B)
(5 x 4)
2. Suppose you are the receiver of these two statements:

The file containing important procedures was opened.


In an interrogation, the boss fired the janitor.

What inferences will you draw from these two statements? Discuss the role of the decoder highlighting the
contextual/phatic/any other relevant function of language.
3. There is a conference to be organized by an Institute. The meeting may involve students and faculty members
from one or multiple areas. A proposal is designed which may need the sanction of the Director, and a conference
manager may need to be appointed and assigned multiple tasks. There may be back and forth movement of
discussions between the faculty members, the co-coordinator, the Director and the manager for the show to be
How the discussions, in the situation above, will proceed? You may like to answer through a flowchart.
4. Use the technique of negative-positive restatement to develop a paragraph on Mighty Middle Class.
5. Jennings Five Birds In A Cage is a slice from life. Comment.
6. What do you understand by The Principle of Polite and Co-operative Behaviour in a Business Conversation?


(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be
State True False:

The language of court trial requires coherent conversation in terms of adjacency pairs, openings and
closings, topic development and turn-taking.
A victory signal made by the two fingers or a thumbs-up sign to boost the morale of the co-interactant is
indicative that non verbal gestures can be used to communicate with greater effects than words.
Communication is an interdisciplinary subject.
Phoneme is the minimal contrastive unit of sound.

Fill in the blanks:


Essay writing is a step-wise process of: Research Analysis Thinking Identification of the
argument Claim. Evidence> Asses  Thesis  Polished Statement 
Outline/Sketch  Coherent Arrangement  Paragraph Development  Conclusion  MLA Style 
Language List.


Fear and Anxiety are the .barriers to communication.

Tick the correct option:

(vii) The Chairperson or his/her secretary sends a (memo/minutes) to invite participants to the meeting.
(viii) Agenda in a meeting is discussed (item by item/all together).

Give Syllabic structure: (i) CCV (ii) CCCV (iii) CCVCCC (iv) VC


Transcribe phonetically: English, Language, About, Account



September, 2012
Foundation of Law
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

LLB/ SEM-I/12-13/MT/FoL
Max. Marks: 60

(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. Write an essay on transformation from King to Parliament.
The State is the very fundamental unit of the foundation of law. Write down the concept and interpretation of
(Section B)
(5 x 4)
2. Explain the functions of law.
3. Write an explanatory note on Special Law.
4. Discuss interpretations of sources of law given by any one jurists? Your choice.
5. Draw a distinction between divine and human law?
6. Write a short note on Conventional law.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

Dharma protects those who protect it.



Substantive law is known as law in action.



Salmond has classified sources of law in two kinds.



According to natural law philosophers, the law has a divine origin.


Give one word for the following concepts.


Enforcement of rights which a person has against the whole world.


Law which deals with the relationship between person and the State.


The law which provides for a remedy.


Ejusdem generis.

Fill in the blanks.


According to Hindu scriptures, . is the foundation head of all law.


Holland classifies law according to their .


September, 2012

History - I

LLB/ SEM-I/12-13/MT/Hist.I
Max. Marks: 60

Answer all the questions.

Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)
(1 x 20)

What were the changes witnessed in the economic, social and political life of the subcontinent in the millennium
between the 1500B.C.and 600 B.C.?
What was the nature of the Mauryan administration?
(Section B)
(5 x 4)

2. Religious beliefs of the Rig Vedic people.

3. Causes for the decline of the heterodox sects.
4. The nature of Asokas Dhamma.
5. Administration of Justice in the Gupta Period.
6. A widows rights to property in Ancient India.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)

Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be


What was Niyoga ?


The Doctrines of Rebirth and Moral Causation (Karma) the importance of the Gods and the
sacrificial act.


The earliest important teachings of Jainism are attributed to .


.was an important popular assembly in the Early Vedic period.


Which of the following in the Gupta period was the chief Justice of a Court?
a.) Samaharta

b.) Sthanika

c.) Rajuka


The Mauryans kings had a preference for the non-brahmanical religions of renunciation.


The secular view was to prostitution in the Ancient period.

d.) Pradvivaka

viii. What did the Daiva form of marriage entail?


In the Edict, Buddha openly declares his faith in the Buddha, Dhamma and Samgha.


The chief reason for the decline of the Gupta empire was.. .


September, 2012
Law of Torts
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

LLB/ SEM-I/12-13/MT/LoT
Max. Marks: 60

(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. During a Rugby match and in an off- the-ball incident B punched G, the opposing scrum-half, in the face
fracturing his jaw in two places. Evidence was given by B that on previous occasion he had been punched by
opponents and by a defence witness M who was a former Rugby player he tried to prove that in modern game of
Rugby punching is the rule rather than the exception. It was also argued by the defence that in the modern game
of rugby players consented to the risk of some injury and that the plaintiff counsel would have to prove that the
blow struck by B was one which was outside the normal expectation of a player so that he could not be said to
have consented to it by participating in the game.
Referring the above facts and situation, discuss what the plaintiff has to establish before the court to get a remedy
in torts. What defences can the defendant successfully plead before the court? Discuss with the help of decided




Mr. Johnson was an alcoholic and suffered from depression. He had made two suicide attempts. He was admitted
to hospital but discharged himself the following day. When he arrived home his wife prevented him from drinking
and he became violent and started smashing furniture. The police were called and arrested him. His wife informed
them of his suicide attempts and discharging himself from hospital and it was agreed that he should be remanded
in custody for his own safety. However, the police failed to inform the prison authorities that Mr. Johnson was a
suicide risk. He committed suicide whilst on remand. His wife brought an action based on negligence of the
police in failing to pass on the information. The police raised the defence of volenti non fit injuria and ex turpi
Referring the above facts, discuss how and when both of the above mentioned defence can be successfully
pleaded before the court. In the abovementioned facts will the police be held liable? Discuss with the help of
decided cases.
(Section B)
(5 x 4)
Rule of Baker v. Bolton.
trespass quare clausum fregit.
Malice in fact and malice in law.
Malfeasance, misfeasance and non-feasance.
Extinction of liability in law of torts.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

Read v. Coker is a case related to .. .

Difference between inevitable accident and act of God.
Trespass to land is also an offence under the Indian Penal Code, 1860 under Section . .
False Imprisonment is partial restrain on the liberty of a person.
The maxim trespass de bonis asporatatis means .
Define Malicious Prosecution.
Cuis est solum cius est usque adcoelum means . .
Kirk v. Gregorys case is related to .. .
Mention the two condition for the use of force for self defence.
Ubi jus ibi remedium means . .

September, 2012

Political Science - I

LLB/ SEM-I/12-13/MT/P.S.I
Max. Marks: 60

Answer all the questions.

Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. Critically discuss Platos theory of Justice.
What was the Behavioral revolution in Political Science?

(Section B)
Comment on the following:
(5 x 4)
2. Reality is the shadow of ideas(Plato)
3. State is a natural institution(Aristotle)
4. Key features of Social Contract Theory
5. Machiavelli as the Child of his times
6. Theory of Two Swords
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

Who has said that, All philosophers have sought to interpret the world, the point however is to change it.?


Name the form of government which is the most ideal form according to Aristotle.


Who was the Greek political philosopher who believed in the concept of transmigration of soul?


Name any one political thinker who has given the concept of Utilitarianism.


What is Dialectics?


Which is the most important component of the State?


Hobbes state of nature was a picture of peace and goodwill.



Rousseaus General will is the synthesis of all the actual wills of the people.



Aristotle is the author of the book Republic.



What is psephology?

September, 2012

Psychology - I

LLB/ SEM-I/12-13/MT/Psy.I
Max. Marks: 60

Answer all the questions.

Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. How model of classical conditioning accounts for criminal behavior?
What are the effects of learning on perception?
(Section B)
(5 x 4)
2. Distinguish between positive and negative punishment as operator for behavior.
3. How self control is related with Go and Know system?
4. Human beings do not record the events and stimuli around them passively. Illustrate with the help of two
5. Reality shaped by perception may prove to be a matter of life and death. Discuss in the light of boiled frog
6. The combination of three major concerns defines psychology as a unique field. Comment.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

Cured cocaine addicts, if confronted by white powder, may experience an irresistible impulse to use the drug
again. This irresistible impulse can be explained on the basis of.. .

ii. Who coined the term self actualization?

iii. According to. Perspective, behavior is motivated by powerful unconscious drives and conflicts.
iv. It is important to break perceptual habits and interrupt... to become a better eyewitness to life.
v. Obtaining and evaluating the information, which is free from bias as far as possible, is not essential for scientific
vi. Without depth perception, human beings would be able to drive a car or ride a bicycle.


vii. Conditioned responses are not subject to conscious reasoning because classical conditioned responses are built on
the basis of conscious thought.
viii. Video surveillance system can capture and display huge amount of data but human beings are better equipped to
understand the data with help of perceptual construction.
Define the following:
ix. Bottom-up processing.
x. Confirmation bias.

September, 2012

LLB/ SEM-I/12-13/MT/Socio.I
Max. Marks: 60

Sociology - I
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.
(Section A)

(1 x 20)
1. Are we prisoners of socialization? Comment on the statement.
Critically comment on the functional perspective of social stratification.
(Section B)
(5 x 4)
2. Explain the concept of Cultural Shock.
3. Differentiates between In Group, Out Group and Reference Group.
4. What do you understand by Id and Superego?
5. What do you understand by Ethnocentrism and Xenocentrism?
6. What do you mean by Social Class?
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

Which one of the following is associated with Comte?

a. Primitive Communism

b. Theology

c. Capitalism

d. Socialism

ii. Durkheim talks about mechanical solidarity and organic solidarity.

(True/ False)

iii. According to Marx, all cultural phenomena are determined by a societys economy.

(True/ False)

iv. Conflict theorists emphasize that multinationals exploit local worker to maximize profits.


v. A system that denies opportunities for upward mobility is caste system.

(True/ False)

vi. A level of stratum of people whose statuses are fixed for their lifetime is known as class system.

(True/ False)

vii. In this sociologist's hierarchy of sciences, sociology was the "queen" and its practitioners "scientist-priests."
a. Auguste Comte

b. mile Durkheim

c. Herbert Spencer

d. Harriet Martineau

viii. Which sociological perspective holds that if an aspect of social life does not contribute to a society's stability or
survival it will not be passed on from one generation to the next?
a. Conflict Perspective

b. Interactionist Perspective

c. Functionalist Perspective

d. None

ix. One function that a university serves is to delay people's entry into the job market. This is an example of what
kind of function?
a. Dysfunction

b. Manifest Function

c. Latent Function

d. Conflict Function

x. While social scientists see the family, school, and work as agents of socialization, they do not recognize the State
as an agent of socialization.


September, 2012
Study of Basics of Case Law
Answer all the questions.
Figures in the margin indicate the marks.

Max. Marks: 60

(Section A)
(1 x 20)
1. Point out any five contents from the enclosed Judgment and write the importance thereof :
a) Citation
b) Time period
c) Bench and Judges on bench
d) Supporting Material
e) Ratio and Final Order
f) Concurring and Minority Opinion
(Section B)
(5 x 4)
2. How a default judgment is different from ex- parte?
3. How far Indian High Courts are bound by the decisions given by Privy Council? Explain the legal provisions.
4. With the help of an example, distinguish between question of law and question of fact.
5. What are the essential conditions for a precedent for being directly in point with a pending case?
6. Differentiate between Head Note and Catch Words.
(Section C)
(10 x 2)
7. Answer the correct choice, answer as the need be

Give one example of summary trial.


Supreme Court is a Court of record under Article...................... of the Constitution of India.


UKIAT refers to....................................... .


Procedure for Contempt of Court is a Civil/Criminal/Civil and Criminal/neither Civil nor Criminal.


In a citation CER No. 51/2002, what does CER No. mean?


Name one per-incuriam case.


In W.P. No. 1933 of 2003. D-15/5/2003(F.B.), what is 1933?


Write the ratio of Rajasthan v Tarachand(1973).


Dissenting opinion in the Gopalan Case (1950) was delivered by.................... .


Differentiate between decree and order.


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