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Task 3 ,Vasilica Ioana Vartic ,seria I ,grupa 4

To Whom it may Concern

My name is Vasilica Ioana Vartic,I am writing in order to apply to

a scholarship ,as advertised on the University of Bucharest
I activated in highschool as a volunteer to many environmental
issues projects and ecology type projects. Within those projects I
developed team working, inter-disciplinary skills,organizational
skills and improved my self esteem,motivation and confidence
that the world would be a better place to live in and you can only
reach your golas with hard work and dedication.
I have experience in drawing to, in fact this is my hobby, Im
found of art , photography and design.This side of my personality
recommends me for my application because I am motivated to
learn and help other learn , improve my skill and help other
improve their own because I am a emphatically adaptive person
and I define my goals and reach them,
Surely not in the last place I want to make my University and
colleagues proud of me and show the world what quality
education means.

Yours faithful
Vasilica Ioana Vartic

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