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Saint John Paul II, when speaking about education, once said, “Let science tell us what

and how. Let religion tell us who and why.” I mention this quote because I feel that it

encompasses much of my experience throughout my education at the University of Mary. I have

written down many times in my journal throughout the past 5 years that the more I learn about

the sciences and most especially caring for the human person- both body and soul- the more my

faith in Christ must grow to be able to even strive to comprehend His creation and His love.

Likewise, the deeper the Great Mystery becomes and the more questions I have, giving me much

motivation to keep searching further for answers. What a blessing it has been to be at a place

where I can be so immersed in both science and faith, love and labor, academia, and prayer.

Overall, I feel that my program did a good job in utilizing my two years in the program to

meet the outcomes that this portfolio demonstrates. I also feel that my program did more than

just meet the listed outcomes, it taught me about not just practicing medicine, but abut practicing

joy in medicine. When I came into this program, it was just after the height of COVID -19 and

healthcare systems across the world, especially within our country had taken hard impact. Joy, in

healthcare, has been hidden beneath burnout. But the St. Gianna School of Health Sciences

prepared my eager mind for such high impact, and an equipped heart for service and charity in

healthcare. Joy, I have learned throughout this time, is something that cannot be taught, one

cannot learn it, it must be lived. Like a virtue- joy must be cultivated. I have learned to show up

the next day after the hard day before, to ask for help, to ask questions, to leave everyday

knowing I did all that I could, to pray for my patients, to meet each individual soul where they

are at on their journey, to continue to grow in knowledge and in the freedom of education, and to

serve the sick and the suffering using the gifts God has given me. I feel that I have gained much

more than the outcomes met.

There are a few areas that in particular that I reflected on in completing the program

outcomes portion of the portfolio. The first being growth in my knowledge and practice of

biomedical ethics. This was also a personal goal of mine going into the program and will

continue to be in the future. I feel that the University of Mary offered many unique experiences

to me as a student to learn, discuss, and practice biomedical ethics. The doors are there to those

who want to seek it them, for me this was getting involved and eventually leading the biomedical

ethics club, CMA, on campus, taking an advanced ethics course where I got to discuss with

professionals and peers about issues I, and my future patients will encounter in my coming

career. I was given opportunities not only to learn but to practice, and in a sense put on my moral

armor before entering the workforce, which is a great blessing to have received in my time here.

The second area of this portfolio that is of significance as an outcome but has also been a

goal of mine and will continue to be is service to others. Coming into college, I would go do

service projects because I wanted to help and knew that it was good to take part in helping the

community. In college, the culture of University of Mary and servant leadership was exciting and

I started to volunteer routinely to make service a habit. Over time, the Thursdays I spent

volunteering started to become the highlights of my week and I grew in friendship in community,

so I started to help more and more. Service in college transitioned from being a box to check off

to an integral part of my time at the University of Mary and something that brings joy and

community to life. My personal goal in college was to find ways to serve in my week to week

not only in school but when I graduate too, and as I graduate, I know I will be seeking out

opportunities in my community to help in the future. It was an incredible opportunity to serve

our local community and travel abroad to Peru.

Overall, this portfolio is a wonderful opportunity to reflect on my accomplishments and

identify opportunities that I had at the University of Mary that I would like to take with me and

seek more of in the future. I am proud of the progress that I have made, and I feel well equipped

for my future. I feel that the University of Mary played a large role in my growth in knowledge,

skill, faith, and friendship. I cannot think of a better community to run towards the light of Christ

with during my academic experience at the University of Mary.

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