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17 nov 2014
- When opening EditDoc a blank page with no WISIWYG menu. See known issues nr2 f
or the solution.
12 nov 2014
- Added EditDoc French language file (l10n/fr.php)
8 sept 2014:
- Added EditDoc Spanish language file (l10n/es.php)
2 sept 2014:
- Works with Owncloud 7
- EditDoc language files (for now.. Dutch, English, Spanish and German. Please s
end new language files to me. I will include them in the package)
- Insert and Select Images from ownCloud user repository
- TinyMCE 4.1.4
- Code optimalisation
- Adding EditDoc Quick Start feature. Browse to 'http://[YOURSERVER]/apps/editdo
Known Issue:
1. Including shared images in EditDoc documents only works as shared folder is a
primary user folder (eg /files/[USER]/[SHARED FOLDER])
2. When opening EditDoc in Firefox, Chrome, eg a blank page with no WISIWYG menu
. This is due to the webbrowser Content-Security-Policy (CSP). CSP is enabled in
the lateste webbrowsers.
There are two solutions to this issue:
Option1. In firefox you can disable CSP. Open in address bar 'about:config' and
search for 'security.csp.enable' and turn it off.
Option2. Global disable CSP on the owncloud webserver. This can be disabled by a
dding the custom_csp_policy in the owncloud config.php.
Place these lines in the $CONFIG Array section in the http://[YOURSERVER]/config
/config.php file
$CONFIG = array (...
/* Custom CSP policy, changing this will overwrite the standard policy */
'custom_csp_policy' => "default-src 'self'; script-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline' 'u
nsafe-eval'; style-src 'self' 'unsafe-inline'; frame-src *; img-src *; font-src
'self' data:; media-src *",

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