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Ivan Hernandez

Coming into UWRT 1102, I came with the mentality that if would be a slow pace
course. I came to realized that this course was far from the pace 1101 came at me.
But I think the intellectual growth and maturity has allowed me to understand that
nothing is going to be given and it has to be earned through hard work and
dedication. I think phase 1 was 1101 and now phase 2 is going in sequence with this
course. I would like to say that I have got used to writing every other day and I feel
a lot more comfortable writing than ever.
In all honesty, Ive got more curious about the topic I chose to research. At first I
was just putting that inquiry question in the air but as soon as I started to look more
into it I found a lot of interesting facts. For an example, the finding of how many
leaders of our country had Greek life background. I feel like the perception of most
people dont go with the reality of Greek Organizations. Throughout the course I feel
like I have engaged in the course through research. The amount of questions Ive
inquired from just digging out there.
Multimodality is a concept that can be used to express my way of thinking or what
Im trying to portray to the audience. Using the three column notes as a template*
has been difficult to portray a visual imagine to my audience. I think this has been
challenging to me. Even though I havent yet to find a way to use to give that
multimodality. Thru my classmates I have got suggestions about using different
fonts and colors to give my page some character.
Perhaps we have not revised or went through the process of polishing our writing as
much in 1102 than 1101 but I think later in the semester we will have enough
practice. I look forward to give good feedback to my peers since my experience in
1101 has made me a better critic. I think this can put me out of comfort zone. Why?
I feel like I might mess up someones paper with my miscorrections from my part.
How will I face this problem? Well I hope to face it the right way. I will just have to
correct or suggest my peers papers.
Responsibility is big part of college. I think the adulthood mentality must be in place
in order to be successful and graduate. I know for a fact that I will have to be
dedicated and push against current at points. But am I currently taking
responsibility for my learning? I could say yes and be lying to myself. After class Im
I studying 3 hours for one hour of lecture? No, I sure dont follow that tip. I need to
work through the semester consistently and I think that will be challenging in my
part. In specifically pertaining to Uwrt, Im putting deep emphasis when doing
research? I think in part looking for mostly online resources can be good but not the
best. I think I should get up and go to the 7 th floor of the library and get print

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