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(National Geographic Learning)


(Joan Kang Shin)


Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S., M.Hum.

MEMBERS : - Aldi Aditya Arniz

- Dian Hidayati

- Marcella Simbolon

- M. Azra Syam Putra

SUBJECT : English for Young Learners

CLASS : English Education C 2019





First of all, thanks to Allah SWT, because of the help of Allah, we can finish this Critical
Book Report about English for Young Learners right in the calculated time. The purpose in
writing this CBR is to fulfill the assignment that given by Nora Ronita Dewi, S.Pd., S.S.,
M.Hum. as lecturer in English for Young Learners.
In arranging this paper, the writer trully get lots challenges and obstructions but with
help of many indiviuals, those obstructions could passed. We also realized there are still many
mistakes in process of writing this paper. Because of that, we would like to say thank you to
all individuals who helps in the process of writing this paper. Hopefully, Allah will replies all
helps and bless you all give.
We realized that this paper still imperfect in arrangement and the content. We hope the
criticism from the readers can help the writer in perfecting the next paper. Last but not the least,
hopefully, this paper can helps the readers to gain more knowledge about English for Young

Medan, September 2021


A. Rationalization of the CBR Importance
The skill to make CBR on the writer can test the ability to summarize and analyze a
book and compare other books, recognize and give value and criticize a paper that is analyzed.
We often confused in choosing reference books for us to read and understand.
Sometimes we choose one book, but it doesn't satisfy our hearts. For example in terms of the
information contained in the book.
Therefore, the author makes this Critical Book Report to make it easier for readers to
choose reference books. In addition, one of the factors behind the writer's review of this book
is that we can think critically and know the advantages and disadvantages of a book.

B. Purpose of CBR Writing

1. To fulfill one of the English for Young Learners subject assignments.
2. To increase the readers' knowledge about listening.
3. Facilitate the reader in understanding the contents of the book.
4. Add the author's insight.
5. Train the writer to formulate and draw conclusions on the book being analyzed.
6. Train writers to think critically.

C. Benefit of CBR Writing

Be a reference material that will be probably needed in the work of other courses so
that it can make it easier to work on the subjects concerned with what is conveyed in this book.

D. Book Identity
1. Main Book
Title : Teaching English to Young Learners around the World: An
Author : National Geographic Learning
Publisher : National Geographic
City of Publication :-
Year of Publication :-

2. Comparison Book
Title : Teaching English to Young Learners
Author : Joan Kang Shin
Publisher : University of Maryland
City of Publication : Baltimore County
Year of Publication :-

A. Main Book
This chapter introduce to teaching English to young learners . will learn about the
growth of English as a global language, the advantages of early language learning, the various
kinds of program models used around the world, some of the problems associated with TEYL,
and various teaching practices that have been found to be effective in teaching English to young
The Value of English for Education and Employment Today, an estimated one billion
or more people speak some English . The number of people who are studying English increases
every year, beginning at younger and younger ages.Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, or
New Zealand, where English is the dominant language of education, government, and other
At least 25 percent of the world’s population can communicate to some degree in
English . As English becomes the world’s lingua franca, countries all over the world have
adopted English language instruction as part of their education system. This requires students
to develop academic English proficiency during their primary and secondary schooling. The
global role of English differentiates the teaching of English as an international language from
that of other foreign languages.
The value of increased time One reason for starting English in the primary grades is the
amount of time that children will have to learn the language. As noted above, although some
researchers believe that adolescents are more efficient language learners, younger learners
simply have more time to learn the language, and time is an important factor in overall
attainment , as any adult who has tried to learn another language has discovered.
Children need the opportunity to learn English for more than two 30-minute periods a
week.The possibility of greater global awareness and intercultural competence As the world
gets smaller and more interconnected through the Internet and international travel, children
have the opportunity to become global citizens. Through learning another language, children
can gain an appreciation for other languages and cultures. The experience can also make them
more aware and reflective of their own language and culture.
The value of bilingualism: mental flexibility Being bilingual provides many cognitive
advantages. Even when children are only using one of their two languages, they have access to
the other language and to those neural networks . For young learners, especially, being able to

speak another language provides a number of advantages such as mental flexibility, the ability
to see a problem from different perspectives.
There are some Planning for Success in EYL Programs such as :Effective EYL Program
Models, The first ia a number of models of effective EYL programs. These include FLEX,
FLES (including content-based or content-enriched FLES), immersion, dual-language, and
transitional and maintenance bilingual programs. The second planning is Appropriately
Trained EYL Teachers. On this case teachers should know how to develop engaging,
motivating activities and have adequate English proficiency to help their young learners in
learning English. The next planning is Culturally Appropriate Materials .in this case teacher
should include materials from many cultures around the world.the teacher teach will most
likely use English with other EIL speakers, and what they really need is an appreciation of
different cultures. This will help students to talk about their own culture in English .and the last
planning is Continuity of Curriculum Between Primary and Secondary .The primary and
secondary school curricula got to be adjusted so that understudies make a smooth move in their
dialect learning. Children who have taken an interest in EYL programs will require higher-
level English classes in auxiliary school than those who start at the auxiliary school level.

B. Comparison Book
Considerations for Teaching Young Learners
Children are active learners and thinkers. Children construct knowledge from actively
interacting with the physical environment in developmental stages. They learn through their
own individual actions and exploration. Children learn through social interaction. Children
construct knowledge through other people, through interaction with adults. Adults/teachers
work actively with children in the Zone of Proximal Development (ZPD). Zone of Proximal
Development (ZPD) is difference between the child's capacity to solve problems on his own
and his capacity to solve them with assistance. Children learn effectively through scaffolding
by adults. The adult’s role is very important in a child’s learning process. Like Vygotsky,
Bruner focused on the importance of language in a child’s cognitive development. He shows
how the adult uses “scaffolding” to guide a child’s language learning through finely-tuned talk
Effective Scaffolding. Parents who scaffolded effectively :
• created interest in the task;
• broke the task down into smaller steps;
• kept child “on task” by reminding him of the purpose or goal;
• pointed out the important parts of the task;
• controlled the child’s frustration during the task;
• modeled the task, including different ways to do the task.

Teaching Approaches for Young Learners

Ten Helpful Ideas for Teaching English to Young Learners
1. Supplement activities with visuals, realia, and movement.
Young learners tend to have short attention spans and a lot of physical energy. In
addition, children are very much linked to their surroundings and are more interested in
the physical and the tangible.
2. Involve students in making visuals and realia.
Having children involved in creating the visuals that are related to the lesson helps
engage students in the learning process by introducing them to the context as well as to
relevant vocabulary items. Students are more likely to feel interested and invested in the
lesson and will probably take better care of the materials.
3. Move from activity to activity.
Young learners have short attention spans. For ages 5–7, Keep activities around 5 and
10 minutes long. For ages 8–10, keep activities 10 to 15 minutes long. Scott and Ytreberg
(1990) suggest creating a balance between the activities in the column on the right side.
4. Teach in themes
A thematic unit, a series of lessons on the same topic or subject, can create broader
contexts in which to teach language, recycle language from lesson to lesson, and allow
students to focus more on content and communication than on language structure.
5. Use stories and contexts familiar to students.
Use of stories and contexts in home country or culture can help YLs connect English
with their background knowledge, which is limited because of their young age and
6. Establish classroom routines in English.
YLs function well within a structured environment and enjoy repetition of certain
routines and activities. Having basic routines in the classroom can help to manage young
7. Use L1 as a resource when necessary.
Use L1 in the classroom as a resource for forwarding the learning process without
becoming too reliant on it. Concentrate on building communicative skills. Save your time
for the target language actually within students’ reach.
8. Bring in helpers from the community
9. Collaborate with other teachers in your school.
10. Communicate with other TEYL professionals.

Classroom Management Ideas

Having a defined structure for each day of class helps manage your young learners.
Children respond well to routines and rituals. It helps them know what to expect during each
part of the class time you spend together. Use the chart below to make a plan for the routines
you will establish.

Conclusion: Role Play

Think about what you have seen and learned in this workshop about learning and
teaching styles for primary students. Now do these two role plays with a partner.

A. Main Book
a. Strength
The main book has complete explanation with example and have some graphic. The
topic that is teaching English to young learners around the world, explains about planning
and application.This book also have chapter summary that make easier the reader to got
the point of the chapter. This book have some pictures to support the material,it make
easier the reader to understand about the topic.
b. Weakness
The book looks less attractive (less colorful).

B. Comparison Book
a. Strength
The comparison book full of detail material about how to teach English for young
learners. It provides many models and materials
b. Weakness
It doesn’t look like a book, it looks like a modul or guide. It has no full identity.

A. Conclusion
Both of the book discuss about teaching English to young learners. It discuss about the
growth of English as a global language, the advantages of early language learning, the various
kinds of program models used around the world, some of the problems associated with TEYL,
and various teaching practices that have been found to be effective in teaching English to young
learners. Kingdom, Ireland, Canada, Australia, or New Zealand, where English is the dominant
language of education, government, and other institutions. At least 25 percent of the world’s
population can communicate to some degree in English . This requires students to develop
academic English proficiency during their primary and secondary schooling.The global role of
English differentiates the teaching of English as an international language from that of other
foreign languages.

B. Recommendation
1. For College Students
They should be used to study and read the book in order to know widely about Englush
for Young Learners more deeply.
2. For the Author
Author should pay attention to every writing that will be published so that there are no
errors in writing.
3. For Readers
Can be used as reference material in making scientific papers.

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