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Name : Maria Naomi Siregar

NIM: 4193141022

Lecturer: Prof. Dr. Ibnu Hajar Damanik,

Rizki Ramadhani, M.Pd

Subject: Philosophy of Education






The minimal development of science due to the low interest in reading

students at this time criticizing journals is one way that can be done to increase
interest in reading.

Criticizing journals is an activity of reviewing a journal in order to know and

understand what is presented in a journal basically a journal review emphasizes on
the evaluation of interpretations and analysis of the advantages and disadvantages
of what is interesting and how the journal can change perceptions and ways of
thinking and be considered whether the knowledge gained is able to increase
understanding of a particular field of study Besides criticizing the journal can also
train our ability to analyze and evaluating the discussion presented by the author
so that valuable input for other authors' creative processes.

Criticizing journal cannot be done if the critic does not read the entire journal
by re the view reader can find out the quality of the journal by comparing the work
of the same author or other authors and can provide input to journal writers in the
form of criticism and suggestions for the systematic writing of the contents and
substance of the journal.

In addition to the critical readers of this review journal has the aim that
readers get guidance in having a book after reading the results of this journal review
is faced with the emergence of interest to read or match what is written in the results
of the review and if you do not have time to read the contents of the journal then he
can rely on the results of the review as a source of information.


By giving thanks to the presence of God Almighty, for all His grace, blessings

and guidance that has been bestowed. So that I can finish this paper in a very simple

form and content on time. This paper contains information about adaptations.

Where I compare the journals. It is hoped that this paper can provide information

to all of us, and more knowledge about character bjilding.

I realize that this paper is far from perfect, therefore I expect criticism and

suggestions from all parties that are constructive for the sake of the perfection of

this paper.

Finally, I would like to thank all the parties concerned in making this paper.

May God always bless all the work we do. Amen.

Medan, 30 October 2019



Executive Summary...........................................................................................................2


The Table of Content ..........................................................................................................4

Chapter I: Peliminary..........................................................................................................5

A. Background......................................................................................................................5

B. The Purpose.....................................................................................................................5

C. The Benefit.......................................................................................................................5

D. The Identity of Journal...................................................................................................5

Chapter II: The Summary of Journal ...............................................................................7

Chapter III: Discussion......................................................................................................14

Chapter IV: The Closing...................................................................................................16






Critical jornal review is used to invite readers to evaluate the hournal that

have been published. We can find out whether the journal is worth reding

through criticize-ing it. When we need a reference, the journal can be used as

our reading source in addition to books in studying biology, we should criticize

the journal so that we know which journals are more relevant to be used as

reading sources.

B. The Purposes
1. To fulfill assignments on philosophy of education courses.

2. Improving students, abilities in summarizing, analyzing, and comparing

and criticizing journals.

3. Strengthening the reader’s understanding of character building

C. The Benefits
1. As a reference how to perfect a journal and find relevant reading sources.

2. Make students more honed in criticizing a journal.

3. To increase knowledge about philosophy of education

D. The Identity of Journal

1. Main Journal



Vol/no.: 5(1)

Author: Binti Maunah

City of Publication: yogyakarta

Year of Publication: 2015



2. Second journal




Vol/no.: 11(2)

Author: Izzatu Khoirina, Suyitno,Retno Winarni

Publisher: English Department Faculty of Languages and Arts of Universitas

Negeri Padang

City of Publication: surakarta

Year of Publication: 2017

ISSN: 2541-0075




Main journal


The value of character education is now a priority in the Indonesia

education major. The government not only prioritizes knowledge and skills,

but also aligns the two with the value of character education.

The problem of education in Indonesia is very complex because in all

its aspects there are problems that need to be solved. Moral decadence is

rampant in the world of education so that it becomes blurred portraits in the

world of education. this can be seen from the rise of circulation porn videos

played by students, rampant student-fight, cheating on a national exam, the

number of drug cases that ensnare students, the number of motorbikes

played by students, chillies, school farewell in bikinis, and various other

negative roles. Data from 2013, at least happened 128 cases of brawl between

students. This number jumped more than 100 in the year previous. The

brawl case killed 82 students, in 2014 already there were 139 fights that killed

12 students (TV One, 2014). Seeing this, many people consider that now the

nation Indonesia is sick 91 Implementation of Character Education in the

Formation of Holistic Personality Students need proper handling and

treatment through providing education character at all levels of education

(Mulyasa, 2007: 17).


a. Introduction

Character education in Indonesia is a national movement to create

schools in fostering young generation the ethical, responsible, because

character education emphasizes more on the aspect of universal values.

Character education quality (CEQ) is a standard used to recommend that

education is an effective way to develop student character. Character

education quality is standard which recommends that education will

effectively develop students' character when the basic values of ethics used

as a basis for education use a sharp approach, proactive and effective in

building and develop student character. The explanation above directs that

character education must be based on the following principles. First, it

promotes basic ethical values as a basis for character. Second, identify

characters comprehensively so that it includes thoughts, feelings,and

behavior. Third, use a sharp, proactive and effective approach to building

character. Fourth, creating a school community that has concern. Fifth, give

students the opportunity to show good behaviour. Sixth, it has meaningful

curriculum coverage and challenge who values allstudents, build their

character, and help to succeed. Seventh, strive for self-motivation growth the

students. Eighth, functioning all school staff as a moral community who

share responsibility for character education and are loyal to basic values the

same one. Ninth, the function of family and community members as partners

in efforts to build character. Tenth, evaluating the character of the school,

school staff functions as character teachers and manifests positive characters

in student life.

b. Method

The research approach used in this research is approach qualitative.

This research was conducted in two locations, namely: MTsN Jabung and

SMPN 1 Talun Blitar. In this study, primary data obtained by researchers

from the results of in-depth interviews (indept interviews) with key

informant, namely: chief schools, waka, homeroom teachers, and students at

two study sites. After the data collected is analyzed using inductive

techniques that take steps: data reduction, data display, and verification data

(conclusion drawing / verification) (Bogdan and Biklen, 1998).

c. Result and discussion

Researchresult Forms of character education are planted at MTsN

Jabung Blitar and at SMPN1 Talun Blitar is implemented integrated into

in the vision and mission of the school which is implemented through

learning in all subject area and through work the same as students'

parents and families the community. Character education in the second

the school is meant by something the system of inculcating character

values to the school community which includes components of

knowledge, awareness, or will, and actions to implement these values

both towards Allah, yourself, others, the environment, as well nationality

so that we are human beings.

The implementation of Character Education in MTsN Jabung and

SMPN 1 Talun is to enter eighteen character values in all learning

material, namely: religious character values, values honest character,

tolerance character value, value disciplined character, hard work

character values, creative character values, independent character values,

democratic character values, curiosity character values, spirit character

values nationality, character values of patriotism, character values value

achievement, friendly / communicative character values, peace love

character values, reading characters character values, environmental care

character values, social care character values, and character values


Based on the results of the assessment, the process of implementing

character education in two schools that became the locus of research it can be

understood that character education 96 Journal of Character Education, Year V,

Number 1, April 2015 tar in those two schools is good. This can be seen in terms of

subject values both in terms of understanding the material and attitude. Researchers

search results for teachers PAI and citizenship in MTsN Jabung and SMPN 1 Talun

Blitar can be seen that the average score is 78 and attitudes get the title A. The impact

of the implementation of character education in MTsN Jabung and SMPN 1 Talun

Blitar is very good for students. Students can feel the positive impact, namely: (1)

high motivation to always be honest any time; (2) don't lie with anyone; (3) always

respecting elders and loving others; (4) give thanks for what has been received; 5)

worship in congregation; (6) respect the work of others; 7) trained to be a strong

future leader; (8) trained to do assignments creatively; (9) accustomed to

independent thinking; (10) trained caring environment; (11) accustomed to helping

friends who need help, and so on.

d. Result

Implementation of Character Education at MTs.N Jabung and SMPN

1 Talun Blitar have been implemented well through extracurricular

intactulicular activities. In the intracuricular scope, character education is

implemented through devices integrated learning in all subject areas.

Management it is carried out intensively using character education

planning, education implementation character, and character education


Second journal

a. Introduction

The value of character education is now a priority in the Indonesia

education major. The government not only prioritizes knowledge and skills, but

also aligns the two with the value of character education. The value of character

education is integrated in groups 1 and 2, namely the basic competence groups

of spiritual attitudes and basic competence groups of social attitudes.

The value of character education can be obtained by one of them through literary

learning, through novel. Sehandi (2014) divides the definition of literature into

two, namely literature as a literary and literary work as a literary science. First

definition, literature is the work of art writers in the form of prose in the form of

short stories and novels, poetry, and drama in the form of drama script or

staging drama. Second definition, literature is a science that studies literary

works in the form of prose, poetry, and drama. The second understanding is in

accordance with this research.

b. Method

The applied research method is descriptive qualitative. Sukmadinata

(2013) states that qualitative research is a study intended to describe and

investigate the phenomenon, event, social activity, attitude, belief, perception,

and others thinking, either individual or group. The data is the sentences

contained in the novel, interview of high school Indonesian teachers’ statement,

and syllabus document. The research source data is documents (novel and high

school Indonesian syllabus of 2013 Curriculum in XII class) and also informant

(high school Indonesian teachers’ in XII class) Data collection techniques are

two, they are interview and document data collection. Data collection

instrument is the used question to get the information related to the relevancy

of novel character educational value of learning literature delivered to

Indonesian teachers. Data collection procedure consists of (1) reading a novel,

(2) determining the applied theory of the guideline to study the character

educational value and its relevant previous research, (3) analyzing a novel in

character educational value by using the applied guideline theory, (4) drawing

the relevancy of learning literature by interviewing teachers’ and analyzing high

school Indonesian syllabus in XII class. The used data analysis technique refers

to Miles and Huberman technique analysis (via Sugiyono: 2013), the first step of

collecting data is data collection itself. The gotten data then conducts a data

reduction. It is a process of the collected data selected among the importance.

Furthermore, after finishing the data reduction process, data display is the next

process, namely delivering deepest the data. The final analysis technique is

conclusion: drawing or verifying, namely conduction the conclusion.

c. Result and discussion

The value of character education found in the novel Kalamata

analyzed its relevance (conformity) with literary learning. Relevance is done

by interviewing with Indonesian subject teachers and syllabus analysis.

Through interviews of Indonesian teachers with Mrs. SP, it is known that the

value of character education found in novel Kalamata in accordance with the

learning of literature in high school. The value here shows the spirit of the

child in nationalism, Indonesia. In the implementation of literary learning,

students’ attitudes and actions have reflected the values of character

education. However, not all values can be applied maximally. Seeing that

literary learning has a small portion of time and material. In line with the

statement expressed by Mrs. SP, Mrs. NAH also state that literary learning

time is not long. In addition, Mrs. NAH also states that the value of character

education found in Kalamata novels can be integrated in literary learning.

The opinion indicates that the value of education of Kalamata novel character

is relevant of learning literature. In the implementation of learning literary,

teachers have linked the value of character education with learning and most

of the value already existed in students. On the other hand, the percentage
of educational values of the characters that exist in the students is influenced

by their diverse backgrounds. This is related to the character education

method applied in Indonesia. Sultoni (2016) says that character education

methods in Indonesia, including character education in schools that work

with families and communities, schools, families, and communities, are the

three components that play an important role for the cultivation of the value

of character education in students.



a. Comparison

The first journal is using statement Character education is the creation

of a school environment that helps students in the development of ethics,

responsibility through models, and teaching good character through

universal values (Berkowitz & Bier, What Works In CharacterEducation:

A Research-Driven Guide for Educators,2005: 7) different From the

second journal, based on (Ratna, Peranan karya sastra, seni, dan budaya

dalam pendidikan karakter, 2014) states that character education is the

process of forming the personality, psychology, and physical structure in

a balanced relationship. The process is done to anticipate the influence of

the outside is not good. In general, character education is to protect

oneself and form personality independently based on certain beliefs

(individual or group) as well as nation and state.

Based on main journal, (Kesuma, Pendidikan Karakter: Kajian Teori

dan Praktik di Sekolah, 2011: 2) argues that there are three character

education designs. First, character-based design education class. Second,

the design of school culture-based character education. Third, character

education design community based. While the second journal describe it

by (Sultoni, Pendidikan karakter dan kemajuan negara: studi

perbandingan lintas Negara,2016) revealed that the method of character

education in Indonesia, including character education in schools that

cooperate with families and communities. Schools, families, and

communities are the three components that play an important role for the

cultivation of the value of character education in students. The third

component is the community, which has a diverse culture.

b. Strength and weakness

1. From the aspect of the scope of the article content, both of the journals are

quite good. The title of the journal is related to the theme and also the

discussion. But, in the first journal, the writer makes the sceme of the result

so that it can help us to understand the method that they used.

2. Based on the systematic writing of the journal, the main journal is better and

more systematic. The first journal makes all the writing look organized while

in the second journal, all of the paragraphs looked like it has been mixed up

so the reader can actually get confused while reading the journal.

3. From the grammatical aspect, both of the journals used language that is not

so hard to be able to understand by the reader. Even though the second

journal almost look like “a” paragraph/ summary, but it uses easy words that

can be understood by the reader.



a. Conclusion

Child character formation can be done through two strategies, namely

the internal school and external to the school. Second, the school's internal

strategy can be carried out through four pillars, namely the learning process

activities teaching in class, daily activities in the form of school culture,

habituation activities, activities co-curricular and extra-curricular. Third,

external strategies can be done through family and community. Fourth,

when the whole strategy can be implemented well, then the character of the

child will to be formed and strong. Learning literature of literary works in

novel teaches a knowledge and skill for the students’ as well as builds their

character educational value. Character educational value has an equal

position of knowledge and skill. Therefore, they are truly in students coupled

by their good personalities. Thus, those found character educational values

is relevant with learning literature based on Indonesian teachers’ interview

and 2013 Curriculum syllabus.

b. Recommendation

Realizing the important role of character education, the first step that

must be done is to understand first about character and character

education. This understanding causes us to understand its role,

position and value so that it can be applied in both formal and

informal education.


Berkowitz, M.W. & Bier, M.C. 2005. What Works In CharacterEducation: A Research-
Driven Guide for Educators, Washington DC: Univesity of MissouriSt Louis.

Kesuma, dkk. 2011. Pendidikan Karakter: Kajian Teori dan Praktik di Sekolah, Bandung: PT.
Remaja Rosdakarya.

Ratna, N. K. (2014). Peranan karya sastra, seni, dan budaya dalam

pendidikan karakter. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar.

Sultoni, A. (2016). Pendidikan karakter dan kemajuan negara: studi perbandingan

lintas negara. JOIES: Journal of Islamic Education Studies (pp. 184 – 207).


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