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Diajukan untuk Memenuhi Tugas Individu

Mata Kuliah : Bahasa Inggris

Dosen Pengampuh : Yani Lubis, S.Ag, M.Hum


TaufikHidayat NIM 0105192008

Prodi Ilmu Komunikasi




TA 2019-2020


this story has the theme of a lover who owns a limo, in this story tells about marriage, and
many problems in this story, so that this book keeps wanting to be read. In this case, you will
find a lot of information about things that happened and also divorce, but in this story many are
involved and occur in difficulties, and also conflicts, in the CBR, this time I can be done to
criticize the grammar in there. . The criticism that I do is one by one every chapter.


 how are the book's weaknesses and strengths?

 how is the grammar in the book
in this assignment this time I use method :
 Reading method
 Resume method

This paper was prepared using a qualitative approach. The method used is the reading
method. Through this method the author will describe the problems that are discussed clearly and
comprehensively. The data in this paper are collected using summarizing methods, meaning that
the authors obtain data that is based on the summary results discussed in the first reading

It is very interesting and logical, making this scientific work worth publishing so that people
can take the meaning contained in this story, with the existence of this story hopefully hopefully
can provide lessons for readers in doing or thinking about something



they say bad news like buses and always come in threes. I just thought how summer is
increasing and uniforms are not mixed. Like the days to remember as often happens, marriage.
So the first thing I found out about the first bad news was that the voice of Josh yelling up the
stairs told me that Rhys was a local farmer calling to pay the wages of the car I had stored in his
cabin. I want to do that to ban or something that happens to my limo. But the limoku wasn't
there, the driver Steve was also not there since Friday morning. I called Steve while failing to
contact him.

Steve should have worked here, but because they did not meet him. When I was doing a
wedding, the bride appeared wearing a suitable dress to get in and out of the car. As usual, I
waited for one hour for the ceremony and photos. I usually spend time on something useful.
Sometimes reading books, writing for college. Or make a shopping list or make a plan.
Although sometimes, if a wedding is held in a church that I don't know, I spend a lot of time
looking for a women's toilet. I left in a hurry without drinking and eating from home, because I
was afraid of being late. The trip didn't judge Josh at all even though he was very worried about
me. I just thought about Steve who would come to pick me up.


I was surprised to hear that Josh had an accident I could not come to see him at the
hospital, I was just waiting for Owen's father to enter the hospital to visit him. Owen's father said
that Josh was disappointed that I was not there to visit him, but he tried not to cry.
I decided to go inside to see the josh, he rested neatly and cleanly with a bandage of plaster
and then I took him home. Light rain began to fall, not too dangerous but really made me very
wet. I was looking forward to going home, getting out of my uniform, eating something, opening
wine, and putting my feet in front of the television before anything else could happen. The look
behind the big blue marcedes car hit my car. But he didn't come out to apologize. IAM very
angry. Because he dropped my bumper. I'm having a lot of frustration today, I had been in an
accident for two hours because my son's wrist was put in plaster, and now my car was also in
pieces. But in the end he apologized to me. And he had a small conversation with Josh, while I
forgave him. Josh seemed happy because he could share his story with him.


After that I was made a cup by his sister and he could spread it to his sister, maybe a cup of
tea was the answer and thought everyone was a problem of all problems
Then he went inside and leaned back on the table and realized it wasn't a cup he wanted to
make sure he could express his resentment, after he had done a massive study after eating
together. He does not want a cup of past, which means that he will shake, he tells all the
problems that occur in his life, and he explains the events that have happened to Steve, and he
does not believe that he stole it.


They are not too depressed, because he has started his studies again, he will give birth to
the future, and he does not benefit from the money from selling his ex's car, he thinks
optimistically to continue to want to set up a business and business to find and find great

he had worked at a flower shop I first met Carl, but his business was developing and
needed to be managed. And then we got married and ordered Josh and the years passed.
Somehow my udder flew with them. Now I am finally free and can do what I like. Nothing will
stop him. he got a call from the garage right when he passed the front door on Monday night. As
expected, it will cost a lot of money, but because it's not money, it doesn't really matter. What he
said was that it would not be repaired until Friday, which means that there was no connection, he
searched for the number of the man whose nickname was called who picked up the telephone
was a woman, and he spoke, immediately, he continued to think about luxury they, then he
regretted it

So, he acted for all the details, checked them and paid he would have a library that posted
facts to them in the morning. Then he turned the question over and asked, for the tenth time that
day, where was my limo


Then he was told to call the police, then he explained It was Tuesday night, and he still
hadn't heard from Steve. He wasn't sure what to do. he thought of reporting him stolen all
Monday, but he still wasn't sure it was the right thing to do. There must be something else that
must have happened, he kept telling me what happened

he agreed that he would do it. He even even offered him coffee, but he had to go back. He
is on his way home. So he thanked him for coming and sent him on his way and smiled at the
thought that, for all Steves and Carls in the world, and he thought there were some very good
men out there too. Those who are married, in this case, are very prohibited, unfortunately. Even
if he's not married, he's far from my league. But at least it gives dai hope, which is good in itself.

Too bad he can't conjure up the limo himself back for him. However, to do that, he had to
be a magician, and even though he was actually quite magical to see, he didn't, he thought, the
real thing.


On Wednesday when he was drinking tea, without a word from Steve, he decided he had to
act. Even though he still felt sure he hadn't stolen the car, he thought what else could he do
besides report it ?, then the bell rang and then he opened it and it turned out that he was a driver
who didn't come. that
And after talking at length, it turns out Steve had been working part time, and as a matter of
fact he did not want Steve and really surprised to know that, and they kept talking and it turned
out that all the filling was wrong about the incident and he apologized.


I was shocked, Steve said that the limo was damaged and would be fixed soon. Long
enough. With a week's time it can be even more. I'm angry, how can I do my job without a limo?
Steve meets Josh asking him to leave. I don't know where they are going I don't care, I'm still
thinking about my job without a limo. What do i do? Steve tried to say something positive to me
by aiming at him. I do not care. I think I have to walk and I do my job without a limo. Very tired.
Josh told me to call a man at the hospital, they told me to borrow his car. I hesitated but still
thought about it throughout my dinner. And the more I think about it the more crazy it feels


I need time to think about the courage to make a call. But I also need a car and a driver for
me. I explained this beforehand with Steve and my work on Saturday. Au still doesn't think
about him how he can do what makes me really angry. And since the incident I began to get
confused looking for a replacement limo. I forced to replace the limo with metallic blue
mercedes. I have also reported the loss of limo with the police and insurance companies. But it
takes a long time.

Chapter 9

There are various kinds of marriages. Big weddings, small weddings, big weddings, cheap
weddings. There are many types of marriage because there are various types of people. Although
divorce, unfortunately, usually ends the same. For the first time I arrived, I had to find a toilet
and enough parking space. My busy days began this Saturday. Matt asks me about my work
which can be done anytime. I told him to provide cars for weddings and others. Actually I have a
vacation and I don't have to spend a weekend in a cemetery. I'm like an undead. Alone with
sparkling sun, a glass of cold wine, tartan blankets and some geese. I smiled sadly. I have a lot of
time, in my work, to think of all the things I will do. "Oh, ignore me," I said. "This is only a
small picture that I remember. Some swans floated past. A sleepy fisherman by the river. A good
book. Some strawberries. Maybe some bees ...". I feel guilty for Matt. Remembering that I really
did not have a business last weekend. I really thank him for helping me. We might have talked a
lot about the past today. But despite all that I still have many other marriage jobs


We watched the wedding and re-started the service from the beginning again. The
ambulance is gone. The bridesmaid threw away his entire wedding breakfast and he announced
that he felt much better. Not good enough to do his job as a bridesmaid, but it's good enough that
her husband can keep working and that his sister can get married as planned. When they
examined it I felt sorry for him because I had suffered like that too. But there was no problem
with the baby, he only needed lots of fluids and lots of rest, and visits to the clinic on Monday.
Everyone returned to the church and we also sat back on the bench under the tree and we talked


Conditional sentence type 3

The verb in the if clause is in the past perfect tense, te verb in the main clause is in the
perfect conditional. The time is past and the condition cannot be fulfilled because the action in
the if clause didn’t happen.

Conversational implicature
(1) he is to be presumed to be observing the conversational maxims, or at least the cooperative
(2) the supposition that he is aware that, or thinks that, is required in order to make his saying or
making as if to say (or doing so in THOSE terms) consistent with this presumption.
(3) the seaker thinks (and would expect the hearer to think that the speakers thinks ) that it Is
within the competence of the hearer to work out, or grasp intuitively, thet the supposition
mentioned in required.
Conversation analysis
Conversation analysis is an approach with in the social science that aims to describe,
analyze and understand talk as a basic and constitutive set of method and analytic procedure as
well as a large body of estabilished.
Structural conversation
Grammar specification are refered to use structure. Example of structures include past forms.

Fungsional conversation
It is a conversation lesson aimed at filter a person ability to function language
according to place and translation
Situational conversation
Conversation are used to shape different user abilities in communication based on
informal adversting

In this story the conversation is pretty good, that is, using a structure:
1. Conversation analysis
-floor: it means that a person is allowed to speak when he is in an interaction.
-Turn-taking:anyone can lead an interaction
-conversation.change of turn: when speakers do taking turn at holding the floor in
communication ,they cooperate and share equally.

2. Backchanels
Backchanels are certain sounds, expressions or gestures which purpose is to give
feedback in a conversation

3. Conversation style
There are 2 styles which are: high involvement style and high considerateness style.

4. Adjacency pairs
 Simple present tense
 Simple past tense

In the story grammar uses

Conditional sentence

1. zero conditional

If+present tense+present sentence

Present tense (no coma)+if+present tense

2. Third conditional
If+past perfect tense+would have+past participle


In this book, there are strengths and weaknesses in this story, namely:

In this book, it has good grammar and is not ambiguous in its writing, but there are still words
that are still difficult to understand, so it is expected to choose words that are not too difficult.

Then in this story there are 14 episodes with many episodes making this story more interesting so
that readers will be curious to see the story, but at the end of each episode the author still does
not fit to put the conjunctions to jump to the next episode

The conversation text of the story is also good, very easy to understand so it doesn't make the
reader confused and bored

Radford Andrew. 2006.An introduction to English sentences york.

Masha and Abraham.2010.the oxford English grammar by Sidney


Brins Paul,2007.common errors in English york .express pers.

Jerrold M sadock.1987.On testing for Converstional Implicature. New York :

Academic press.P.
Sulistiyo Ule,Passive voice&Reported Speech,2010,PT Bhuana ilmu
Aravind K , belief in question answering system.London:A
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Dykes Barbara .2004.can be able to.australia.cambridge pers.

Murray denis E.2011.what English .new york and London. Cambridge.

Thomson, A.J.Pratical English Grammar.New york:Oxford University

Prashant, parikh.2001. The use Of Language.satndford

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