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Child: Lujain

Date: 13th February 2015

Written by: T. Natasha
This week Lujain you have been very excited about the butterfly in the
classroom, running and squealing in joy. You turn and look at Mum and
point with excitement. When you ensure I have seen it I say butterfly
and you repeat this word to me before using it with friends. This
afternoon your mother/T. Huda planted the swan plants from T. Lynda
with your help. We have been talking about what the butterfly needs to
be healthy and happy including food and a place to lay eggs/caterpillars.
Review of learning
Lujain I love to see you responding with such
wonderment and awe, as you remain open to
learning. You are demonstrating a lot of
curiosity and courage which is great as tells
me your sense of belonging is strong, even
after the summer holiday. I have been
noticing you are taking more responsibility for
your learning as well as your environment
which is wonderful. By choosing to be
involved, initiating conversations with adults
you are practicing responsibility which is an
essential disposition to successful lifelong
learning. Hearing how you helped plant the
swan plant, taking responsibility for your
environment shows how much you are
strengthening this disposition!

Where to next
Butterflys are very magical and beautiful insects, which
I can see have caught your interest Lujain. I will use this
interest in my planning. For example when I want to discuss
the math concept of size I will use images of butterflys to expose
you to the language small, smallest, bigger, big, biggest etc. I can
do the same to reinforce colours. I hope your interest in butterflys
both at home and school will also extend to your imaginative play
and incorporate new words such as flying, fluttering, and
wings. Insects and animals in general are an interest of the
whole classroom at the moment so I am confident your
teachers will extend your knowledge and exposure to these
regularly this term.

Parent/Whnau voice

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