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Kinetochore Composition, Formation, and Organization - Springer

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The Kinetochore:
2009, pp 1-59
Date: 30 Sep 2008

Kinetochore Composition, Formation, and Organization

Highly conserved multiprotein assemblies known as kinetochores orchestrate chromosome segregation during cell division
and ensure that DNA is correctly transmitted from one generation to the next. Kinetochores act directly by assembling onto
chromatin regions named centromeres. Activities governed by kinetochores include establishing centromeric
heterochromatin, holding sister chromatids together via centromeric cohesin, nucleating kinetochore microtubules, attaching
and orienting sister chromatids to spindle microtubules, sensing the tension or occupancy resulting from chromatid
microtubule attachment, recruiting spindle checkpoint components to induce a mitotic delay when tension/occupancy is
absent, separating sister chromatids along the spindle, and regulating the initiation of cytokinesis.
Kinetochore defects generate cells with abnormal numbers of chromosomes resulting in genetic disease, cancer
formation/progression or even death of the cell or organism. Likely because they manage so many roles, kinetochores are
some of the most complex intracellular structures known today. Understanding how kinetochores coordinate chromosome
segregation requires the identification of their components and the characterization of how they assemble into a competent
mechanochemical structure. This chapter discusses our current understanding of how kinetochore components recognize
and assemble onto centromeric regions. We will discuss similarities and differences between both processes in various
species. However, as the budding yeast and vertebrate kinetochores have been studied most intensely, their kinetochores
will be discussed in greatest detail.

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