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Malala Yousafzai:

The Hero with a Hijab

Michelle Chan, Shannah Lim, and Nadin Suliman

Junior Division
Group Website
Process Paper: 277 words

While looking for heroes that have already left behind a legacy, a new figure was starting
to get recognized all over the world. We wanted to look for younger contemporary models that
are changing society. As girls, Malala was a person we looked up to. So, eventually, we
developed an interest to look into the topic of womens rights, especially the Malalas
contribution to it. During our brainstorm, we realized that Malala was obviously a strong leader,
so we were able to use her as an initial motivation for our project.
To start our research, we used Wikipedia as a preliminary location to build up background
on the topic and to direct our next steps. Most of our sources were online. We made sure to
record our sources as we went along. We also found Malalas autobiography that summarizes her
experiences with living as a young girl getting an education in the Middle East. Along with her
autobiography, Malala had a blog on BBC that she told stories of living under the Talibans rule.
Our group picked the website as our best option because it had many beneficial qualities.
It was easier to put the information online because it we could edit our paragraphs and nit have to
go through the trouble of printing or pasting. Chosen templets to organize all our information
makes it look neat and professional. Online, our group members could work on the website
without having to meet up and fix our busy schedules. Making our project, we each took our own
notes and then outlined them. We put our findings together and transformed them into the
respective paragraphs posted on the website.

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