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French Revolution

Reign of Terror

Pupil PowerPoint

Recap Exercise



Cold War

The Cold War was a time of political and military tension

after World War II between powers in the west (United
states and Allies) and in the east (The Soviet Union).

The two powers never really engaged in any large scale

armed combat and the reason why is because the West
and East had Nuclear missiles. When the 2 sides never
engaged in armed conflict they still did psychological
warfare like Espionage e.g. CIA vs KGB.

They also got involved in the Space race. Who won the
Space Race?????????


9/11 happened on the 9th of September was a terrorist attack by the Islamic
terrorist group al Qaeda. The attack killed
2996 people and caused 10 billion in
property damage. 4 four planes were
hijacked by 19 al Qaeda. 2 planes crashed
into the twin towers within 2 hours both of
the 110 floored building had collapsed. The
third plane crashed into the pentagon (the
headquarters of the united states
department of defence).

Atomic Bombs

Something that I'm interested in is the atomic

bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki . This
happened in August 1945, during the final
stage of the Second World War! What happened
was the United States dropped atomic bombs
on Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki .
These bombing killed at least 129,000 people .

What is so historical about this event is that it

remains the only use of nuclear weapons in
history .


The holocaust was when the Nazi party ordered

for all the Jews to be sent to work camps where
they were later killed in large gas chambers. This
was one of the largest genocides in history and
has had a large impact on what the world is today.

During the holocaust approximately six million

Jews were murdered by the Nazi party including
about one million children. Also another five
million non Jewish people were murdered bring
the total to about eleven million.

Reign of Terror

Declaration of the Rights of


The three main ideals of the French

Revolution summed up in this slogan.


Key Words


Maximillian Robespierre

Committee of Public Safety


Reign of Terror

40,000 ppl executed.

Counter Revolutionaries

Too Far?


Mind Map

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