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Table Quiz

Working in groups of 4/5

Table quiz at end of lesson for today, Fri and Monday
Prizes for First and Second
15Qs today on the Voyages of Discovery, 15 tomorrow
on the Reformation and 15 on the Plantations on Monday

Stay in your groups for the three lessons

Too much talking last lesson, need to be quiet when
teacher gives the next question
Whisper in your groups
Change writer every round

Questions 1-5
Name two empires during the Ages of Exploration? England,
Spain or Portugal.
Name two conquistadors? Cortes and Pizarro
What does clinker built mean when discussing ships?
Overlapping planks of wood on a ship. Made a ship more
Name four explorers? Columbus, Magellan, Dias, and Vasco
De Gama

One explorer sailed to the foot of Africa. He called it what?

The Cape of Good Hope

Questions 6-10
Name two reasons for why sailors conducted the Ages of
Exploration? Wealth, land, conquer, colonise, convert etc.
Who was the first explorer to sail to the Indies? Vasco De
Why is the year 1492 important? The year Columbus
discovered America
Can you name the brothers that captained the two ships
with Columbus? Pinzon Brothers
Columbus discovered land just off America. What did he call
it? San Salvador

Questions 11-15
What was the treaty of Tordesillas (1494)? Split South
America in half. Half Spain other half Portugal.
What did Ferdinand Magellan discover? World was round.
Name the two ancient civilisations destroyed in the Ages
of Exploration? Incas and Aztecs
List two results from the Ages of Exploration? Discovered
new lands, new inventions, improved technology,
increased use of slavery etc.

What type of ship is this?


Recap Qs
Why was there a demand for spices in the 1500s?
Name two instruments that helped sailors navigate at
What was scurvy?
Slavery Ages of Exploration

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