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Picking the Perfect Passage

What passage should I choose for my group discussion?

Choose a passage that has the following elements:



We have him in the extra care section for supplementary nurturing, but the committee's
beginning to talk about releasing him."
"Oh, no," Mother murmured sympathetically. "I know how sad that must make you feel."
Jonas and Lily both nodded sympathetically as well. Release of newchildren was always
sad, because they hadn't had a chance to enjoy life within the community yet. And they
hadn't done anything wrong.
This is a perfect passage because_____________________________________________

He pictured his father, who must have been a shy and quiet boy, for he was a shy and
quiet man, seated with his group, waiting to be called to the stage.
This is a pass passage because________________________________________________
What is the difference between the two passages?
Pass OR Perfect?
Directions: Read the following passages from Chapters 1 & 2 of The Giver. Determine
whether the passage is perfect for discussion, or if you should pass on it.
Most of the people on the night crew had not even been given spouses because they
lacked, somehow, the essential capacity to connect to others, which was required for the
creation of a family unit. ______________________

"When I was an Eleven," his father said now, "as you are, Jonas, I was very impatient,
waiting for the Ceremony of Twelve. It's a long two days. I remember that I enjoyed the
Ones, as I always do, but that I didn't pay much attention to the other ceremonies,
except for my sister's. _________________________

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