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Why I is Better than You




1. I statements are used to ________________________________________.

a. Descriptive Statements that
b. Thought statements inform others of
c. Feeling statements
d. Intention statements tell others
e. Action statements inform others of
2. Self-Awareness Circle
a. The self-awareness is a tool you can use to
b. The Circle starts with
c. Once you have developed your feeling statement you
d. After that you form your actions based upon what
3. You statements attack
4. Why I is better than you
a. Due to the fact that you
b. If you instead utilized an I
c. For example stating
d. Whereas __________________ seems more like I suggestion,
rather than an accusation.

Why I is Better than You

5. Your Turn Activity
a. Write three different statements as both I and You
statements (Ex. I dont think that was a nice thing to do
and You are not being nice)

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