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Milo Minderbinder

By Lily Phuong and Jennette Yee

Who is Milo?
The mess officer, in charge of the food for the
Makes money off of trading with other countries
(Egyptian Cotton, Fine Fruits, Cheese, Scones,
In charge of Milo & Minderbinder Enterprises,
Fine Fruits and Produce
Mayor of Palermo, Vice-Shah of Oran, Caliph of
Baghdad and others

Attitude of the
The author shows Milo as a
horrible person. He makes
deals with the enemy and is
willing to bomb his own outfit
for money. Heller uses Milo as
a representation of capitalism,
where everyone is after money
and does anything to get it.

Symbolic Value
Capitalism- all for every man for
themselves in business
Profits over People
The consumption of these deals represented
an important victory for the private enterprise,
he pointed out, since the armies of both
countries were socialized institutions (255).

Stance on War

In a democracy, the government is the people, Milo explained.

Were people arent we? So we might as well keep the money and
eliminate the middleman. Frankly, Id like to see the government get
out of war altogether and leave the whole field to private industry. If
we pay the government everything we owe it, well only be
encouraging government control and discouraging other individuals
from bombing their own men and planes. Well be taking away their
incentives (259).
War is an excellent way to make profits off of both sides.

Milo does not support a particular side in the
war. He is willing to help either side as long
as he gains a PROFIT.
He is very serious and keeps
his promises with other countries
regarding their shares.

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