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For and Against Turkeys Accession in the EU

Pro & Con Chart

Gianna Rocca
The Turkish population is young and
increasingly well-educated. Likewise,
the aging EU cannot afford to block
this demographic from its workforce.
Large numbers of Turks are already
familiar with Europe and its customs.

Turkeys rich cultural heritage is unique,

but it is also undeniably European. EU
membership would be a catalyst for
resolving issues such as the Kurdish
issue as well as relations with Cyprus
and Armenia. It would also would be
symbolic of Turkeys success as a
secular Islamic nation and a model for
others from Morocco to Indonesia.
Turkey is the country across which key
pipelines bring oil and gas from Asia.

The Turkish economy is growing rapidly.

European countries need to access it as
easily as possible.
Turkey being a member of the EU would
inject new life into the EU economy, as
well as adding 75 million consumers to
the single market.

Turkeys unique geo-strategic

position, in addition to the strength of
NATOs second-largest army would
greatly add to European security.

Turkey is not culturally European; in
fact, it is an Islamic nation which does
not fit into the EU 'Christian club'. (97%
of Turkeys territory lies in Asia).
Turkey is a very big country. It would
soon be a dominant member of the EU
since its population is predicted to
reach 91 million by 2050.
The European Commission, the EU
executive, last month accused Turkish
police of using excessive force to quell
protests that swept Turkish cities earlier
this year. This violates the EUs rule
that countries must treat their people
fairly and respect their human rights.

Despite its recent growth, Turkey

remains an underdeveloped economy.
Its GDP per capita at 13,000 is less
than half the EU average
Turkey is not a mature European-style
democracy. Its politics are a hassle
between an overbearing military and
Islamists of varying hues.
The cultural differences of Turkey and
its size will make it too difficult to
integrate- this is feared by France
and Germany due to how they have
always had doubts about allowing a
largely Muslim country of 76 million
people into the European club.
Turkey's territorial claim to northern
Cyprus is not accepted by Greece and
others in Europe with despite of recent
advances in its relationship with

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