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Savvy Chapter 14 Questions
DIRECTIONS: Please make sure to use COMPLETE sentences.
1. What does Mibs tell Will Junior when he asks what's so different about their family?

2. What does Mibs share with the reader about her Aunt Dinah's savvy?

3. Where did Momma and Poppa meet?

4. Why did Momma first say no to playing the ring toss game at the carnival?

5. Why does Mibs say they were happy that Aunt Dinah wasn't their Momma?

6. What did Grandma Dollop put in a jar for Momma and Poppa when they first got married?

7. Mibs shares with the reader that the one rule in their family is to keep quiet with people outside
of their family about their savvy. What is the one exception to that rule? When are they actually
allowed to share about their savvy with someone else?

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