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I am Mohabat Singh of B.B.A. of G.N.A-I.M.T. Phagwara. I am conducting a project entiteld

Effectiveness of Television Advertisements. I need your cooperation which will help to draw conclusive

Q1. By watching T.V. advertisements which product you prefer to buy under the influence of advertisement?
a. Electronic
e. Farm Products

f. Pharma

c. Garments
g. Others..

Q2. How do you react when advertisements appear on T.V?

a. Watch with interest
c. Start talking to others

b. Switch to another channel.

d. Get irritated.

Q3. According to you what is the main purpose behind advertisements?

a. Sell the product
b. C. Increase the value of Product.

b. Inform the customer.

d. Reinforcement.

Q4. Rank the following factors that catch your attention through T.V. advertisements?
a. Humor
b. d. Brand Personality

b. Emotions
e. Children in Advertisements

c. Fictions
f. Others

Q5. How frequently you view the T.V advertisements with concentration?
a. Frequently
c. sometimes

b. Quite often
d. Never

Q6. Which forms of advertisement do you like more?

a. Still image (Magazines / Newspapers)
b. Moving image (Television / Internet)
Q7. While shopping under the influence of T.V advertisements what do you look for?
a. Value for money
b. good quality
c. Product image
d. Customer service
e. Latest fashion
f. Durability
g. Status Symbol
h. Uniqueness
i. Availability
j. Variety

Q8. Rate the following on Likert Scale


d. Automobiles



Neutral Disagree Strongly


Advertisement is more wastage of funds

Brand ambassadors are the main source of attractiveness
in T.V. advertisements
T.V. advertisements reflects our ethics & values
90% of the T.V. advertisements are misleading.
Produces an advertisements is not a cake-walk.
Advertisements acts as a imbalance of budget for a
middle income level person?
Advertisements act as a source of T.R.P. for T.V
Advertisements is a measure for dumping of products?
Advertisements act as a link breaker of the viewers?
Identify strongly with the advertising about branded
products ;I want to be like the people in the
Advertisement sometimes fires the religious issues.
Q9. As an added advantage to T.V. advertisements, the following affects your buying behavior?
a. Infomercials
b. Press
c. Radio advertisements
b. d. Billboard
e. In store
f. online

Your personal details.

1. Name: .................................
2. Sex:

a. Male

b. Female

3. Age:
a. Below 20
c. 30 to 40
4. Occupation:
a. Student
c. House hold
d. Other Profession__________

b. 20 to 30
d. Above 40
b. Business class
d. Service class


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