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the world

And make
models of
the world

d place
and space

Classification systems


Understanding of the

Location is a part of five

themes of geography that
tells us the specific or the
non-specific places
through the word
Absolute and Relative
location. Absolute
location is the specific
type of location. It tells us
where is it specifically by
address and/or
coordinates. It is
important because we
can know the specific
place of a location. For
example: GJIS is located
at Tangerang, Bintaro
Sector 9, while
coordinates uses
numbers and such.
Relative location is the
least specific one. It only
tells the location on a
basic. It is important
because it tells the least
location. For example my
house is on the left side
of my neighbors house.

I made a map of where

do I live and its

Location makes us
understand where is the
place. For example we
can know where is the
Chandi Borobudur is, it is
located at Jogja.

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