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Plants Can Be The

Same And Different

By: William

Sunflower Seeds
When a sunflower seed is planted in soil
and watered it may begin to grow. This is
called germination. Not all plants grow
from seeds.

Grains of Pollen

Grains of pollen grow down into

the carpels. They join with the
eggs inside the flower head. This
is called fertilizing.
Not all plants have pollen.


Some berries you can eat, and

some you cant. If you eat a
raspberry youre fine but if you eat
a gooseberry your throat will be
itchy and get sick.



Mangroves live in swomps. Their

huge prop roots suport the stems to
stop them from being washed

Plants can grow 1 pedle or more.
Like a dog rose or a iris.

I hope you learned

something new
about how plants are
the same and

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