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Kelsey Obando

LEI 4724
The Um Game

Equipment needed: A small bag and random familiar objects.
Activity Description: The size from of the group can range from 6-8
people. This activity can be done with any age group.
1. Have group sit in a circle.
2. As the leader, demonstrate the rules of the game by choosing
an item from the bag.
3. Then describe the item, if you say the word um, or pause for
more than five seconds, repeat a word or use other words like
and or so, then you are out and you have to wait until the
next round to participate.
4. Allow one participant to pick another item from the bag.
Encourage peers to raise their hands if they hear the word Um
or count five seconds of silence.
5. If the participant is successful at describing the item he/she will
receive a point.
6. Go around the circle until the whole group has a chance to
describe an item from the bag.
Leadership Considerations:
1. When working with participants with ADHD the facilitator should
be near the participants to help increase focus level. Ask
participant questions like: What color is it? What texture does it
have? or Does it make any sounds?
If some participants have impulses such as speaking out of turn,
then it might help developing a secret language between you
and the participant to let them know they are interrupting
without calling them out in the group.
2. To help participants with a visual impairment or blindness, make
sure that the items in the bag are more sensory oriented. For
example, have items of different textures, sounds, movement or
smell. Also instead of a 5 second pause increase the pause to
10 seconds to that the participant has time to assess the item.
This activity can help increase concentration, improve vocabulary,
and communication skills in a social interaction.

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