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I agree to follow these rules:

1. I will come to class prepared. I will bring my

notebook, homework, pencil, and pen every day.
2. I will respect my fellow classmates and teacher.
I will raise my hand when I have something to
say and will wait until I am called on before
stating my question/comment.
I will keep my hands, feet and other objects to
3. I will be in my seat and quietly working on my
assigned warm-up activity by the time the tardy bell
4. I will participate during class

Behavior Management Plan

What will happen if I misbehave?
When I break a rule for the first time, Mr. Meraz
will talk to me after class to discuss my behavior.
The second time I violate the rule, I will earn a
detention and a call home.
I will also fill out an action plan. The action plan will state the
problem, why the problem occurred, and how we will prevent this
problem from happening in the future.
I will earn a positive note to my parents when I follow the action plan.

The third time I violate the rule, I will earn a

parent teacher conference.
If this behavior persists, I will be sent to the office.

Action Plan

What rule did I break?

Why did the problem occur?

What will I do to ensure that I do not

break the rule again?



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