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Astronomy Study Guide (Teacher)

Test Date_________________________

1. The Moon orbits the ____

_______and the Earth orbits the _________
2.. We can not see stars during the day because
the sun is so bright that we cannot see any other

stars during the day.

3. The sun looks like the biggest star because
it is the closest star to earth.
4. It is true that the sun
it is made of hot gases.


What are 2 physical attributes of stars?

size, brightness, and pattern

6. What holds the moon in its place orbiting around earth?

7. Explain why the shape of the moon changes?
The moon reflects the light of the sun back into
space, and some of the light reaches earth. We see different phases because of the positions
of the earth and the moon. One half of the moon is always lighted by the sun; most of the time
only a part of the lighted half can be seen from earth.
8. . When the part of earth where you live faces the sun, you have
Shadows are the shortest
around noon
At noon the sun is overhead. Where will the sun appear to be at 4:00 in the afternoon?

lower in

the sky

11. A
is used to determine how shadows change throughout the day.

12. Days are

than nights during the summer.
13. Which of the following is true about the moon?
We can see the moon and its phases because
it reflects light from the sun.

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