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Stage 1 - Desired Results

Established Goals: Students will write a critical response to different
works of art.

Conceptual Understandings:
Students will understand that . . .
A critical response has a specific structure.
The structure and organization of written language influences
and conveys meaning and shapes readers understandings
Essential Questions:
What is a reviewers task / responsibility?
Why are responses written?
What are the elements/language features of response texts?
How is a response structured?
Students will know . . .(Knowledge)
A critical response is personal and subjective
A critical response is evaluative
How to justify their review (i.e. supporting their evaluation with
Students will be able to . . . (Skills)
Able to apply the reading strategies to works of art
Write a critical response
Compare /contrast critical responses
Apply the appropriate structure of a response (context,
orientation, conclusion) to their written response.
Apply the appropriate language features of a response
(paragraphs, descriptive and evaluative words, action/saying/
thinking verbs, sequential words, and persuasive language) to
their responses

Stage 2 - Assessment Evidence

Pre-Assessment: Students will write a response to one of the UOI

provocation images
(after the gallery walk and discussions)
Performance Task:
Write a critical response to a piece of student art applying the
structure and features of the response text type.

Other Evidence:
Students co-constructed a shared written response to a text (written
or visual). Students identified features and structures in a variety of
samples.Students worked in pairs to discuss a written or visual text
focusing on its appeal, key events, authors choices, and a justified
Moderation of assessment:
Stage 3 - Learning Plan
Learning Activities: (include differentiation)
- Co-construct a written critical response to a piece of art
- Write a response to a literary experience
- Write a response to a viewing experience
- Write a response to a listening experience
- Verbal responses
- Reading samples from previous year
- Deconstruct samples
- Learning environment? Museum?

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