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Social Studies: Veterans Day

Name: Kati Peak

Date: 11/11/2014

Grade: Kindergarten

Subject: Social Studies

Time Frame: 8:30-9am

Title of Lesson: What is Veterans Day?

The students will describe Veterans Day.
The students will understand who is honored on Veterans Day.
Standards of Learning:
K. 1 The student will recognize that history describes events and people of other times and place
b) identifying the people and events honored by the holidays
20 Scholastic Weekly Reader
20 Veterans Day passage
20 Veterans Day booklets
20 I am thankful for my freedom to sheets
Veterans Day read aloud
1. Before beginning the lesson, all materials will be gathered and organized.
2. To start the lesson, I will ask the students:
What holiday is today?
What is Veterans Day?
Why do we celebrate Veterans Day?
What is a veteran?
3. After a short discussion about Veterans Day, I will give each student a Scholastic Weekly
Reader. We will read it together. We will discuss the different branches of the military and
ways to thank veterans. On the back, we will complete the graphing activity together.
4. After going through the weekly reader, I will give each student a copy of the Veterans Day
passage by Jessica Hawkins. I will read the passage to the students. We will talk about the
passage. After the discussion, I will allow the students to color the page.
5. We will pause the lesson to attend a Veterans Day assembly.
6. After the assembly, we will talk about freedom. I will give each student a Veterans Day
booklet. We will read the booklet together and talk about ways we are free. For example, we
are free to play, to go to school, to sing, and to vote.
7. We will generate a longer list of things we are free to do. I will write the list on the small
white board.

8. Then, I will give each student a I am thankful for my freedom to paper. I will instruct the
students to decide on something they are thankful for their freedom and have them draw
9. When most of the students have finished writing and coloring, I will invite the students to the
rug for a read aloud about Veterans Day. We will sing Open, Shut Them, and I will begin
reading the story.
10. After I read the book, we will summarize what we have learned about Veterans Day. I will
call on a few students to describe a veteran and why we celebrate Veterans Day.
I am thankful for my freedom to sheet
I will walk around the room while we read the weekly reader, the Veterans Day passage, and the
Veterans Day booklet. I will check in with all the students but especially Santana, Sarifa, Kevin,
and Jack.
I will have Emi, Riley, Sophia, Drew, and Foster write more than one word on the I am thankful
for my freedom activity.

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