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We started at 1 because I zeroed both the pressure and temperature.

Therefore everything at 1 is
atmospheric and ambient.
We then pumped up the bulb until it reached 2 (we allowed it to cool which kept it at ambient
temperature and therefore along the same isothermic isobar).
Hitting the quick release valve then delivered us to point 3, which was at atmospheric pressure
(having opened the valve to the atmosphere).
We then let the bulb warm up and return to ambient temperature, taking us to point 4.
We recorded the pressure at point 2 (h12 or P2) and at point 4 (h23 or P4).
Since we are interested in the relative change in isometric pressure to that of the adiabatic pressure
then the change in isometric pressure will be the change between 2 and 4 (as opposed to 1 and 2).

And P3 is zero since it is atmospheric pressure.

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