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Mani Gopalakrishnan
Sam Gachchatvam"
Sam = we (together);
Gachchatvam = Shall
Go, to mean, "We will
progress together"

Join millions around the
world as they Stand up on
Oct 17, 18 & 19 in support
Development Goals. Take
Action for a Green Earth
by committing to a
sustainable lifestyle and
planting trees that support
the environment.

Join The Challenge

Dear Readers, Jaigurudev.

With the blessings of Pujya Gurudev your Lighthouse E-Magazine is
entering the 4th year. We are grateful to all our readers for the unstinted
support and encouragement that has kept us going all these 3 years. We
look back with pride the progress we have made in learning the art of web
journalism. Yet the task remains unfinished and there is room for
improvement and growth. We hope by the Divine Grace of Gurudev, we
will be able to achieve better standards in the years to come. We look
forward to your valuable inputs and suggestions for improving the quality
of our E-magazine.
We have brought in, innovative features in our Website with a series of
Blogs to provide a strong web presence for Art of living and Pujya
Gurudev. If more and more number of people visit these blogs positive
Art of living websites will outnumber and space out some negative blogs
which spin out malicious content for cheap popularity. More over it will
enable web seva team members to update these blogs and integrate rich
multimedia elements to our websites without expert programming
knowledge. Please browse our website for a refreshing
In this happy occasion, we are pleased to convey that the long cherished
vision of Coimbatore Art of Living family is going to become a reality. We
will be blessed with a beautiful Ashram just 25 Kms from Coimbatore. The
details are given in the last page.
We convey our Pranaams to the lotus feet of Pujya Gurudev and seek
his blessings.
Wishing you all a Happy and safe Diwali.
Web Seva Team Coimbatore
M.Gopalakrishnan, Durga Prasad Dash, Thilagarajan & Suryanarayanan K.

Page 2


Gurudev interviewed by Peter Van Kohl, on DK4, a television

channel from Denmark. Year 1997.
Peter Von Kohl: It's a beautiful warm summer. Have you felt warm here?
Gurudev : Yes, quite warm.
Peter Von Kohl: The reason I ask you is because I heard you once tell an
audience that it is possible for a man or a woman to switch on and off the
temperature within oneself. Am I remembering right?
Gurudev : Yes, you create your own warm atmosphere.
Peter Von Kohl: How?
Gurudev : When you feel at home anywhere then you bring the warmth along with you. You make
people feel warm around you.
Peter Von Kohl: But you said that you were able to walk even in snow dressed like you are now.
Gurudev : It is possible. See, when there is warmth inside then the body also undergoes some
changes. So if you have so much love within you then it radiates in the whole system. Then, whether
there is heat or cold or sensations then they can be overcome.
Peter Von Kohl: Is it a technique or is it something in your mind?
Gurudev : It's a phenomenon.
Peter Von Kohl: A phenomenon? May I ask you to be more precise?
Gurudev : Breathing brings more energy in your system. And that can keep you warm both inside
and outside. See, you may have noticed when you feel not so good inside, or fear or anxiety, you
shiver. You feel cold. So the sensations are linked with emotions. And sensations, emotions are both
linked with our breath. Breath is the bridge that links our emotions to our body. So by changing the
rhythm of the breath, the mind becomes calm and it is free of the negative emotions.
You know, if you notice the feelings that you have or that you normally undergo in life, you will see
that all the positive emotions gives you a feeling or sense of expansion. When you are happy you
feel expanded, there is something in you that expands. And when you are unhappy there is
something in you that contracts, that shrinks. And ancient Rishis have said that to know that
something that expands or contracts brings freedom to you. That is worth knowing. That which
expands is worth knowing.
Peter Von Kohl: From where does one get that kind of wisdom?
Gurudev: This wisdom is there in the ancient civilization of every country. It is everywhere.
Peter Von Kohl: But you have to find it.
Gurudev: Yes, we need to find it and when we find it, then we share it with everybody.
Peter Von Kohl: You had isolated yourself for a period to find what?
Gurudev: I knew that there was something coming up. But I was not sure what was that something
coming up. So I took a ten-day silence and at the end of the silence, this is what came up.

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Peter Von Kohl: This is a part of what you do, you ask people to be silent
in between. Isn't it necessary for people to always be able to
Gurudev : Yes, and silence improves communication.
Peter Von Kohl: How?
Gurudev : See, when you take a few moments and be quiet, then your
perception improves, your observation improves and your expression
Peter Von Kohl: Can anyone get the knowledge? Or does it need training
and courses?
Gurudev : See, everyone has the ability to play the guitar and everyone has the ability to operate a
computer. But you need to know something about it, just a little clue about it. You need to learn
Peter Von Kohl: But you need to have a talent.
Gurudev : Yes, that is one thing. Talent or you can say aptitude. But for simple things like operating
a computer or driving a car, you don't need a talent. It's only a matter of education, isn't it?
Peter Von Kohl: Yes and no. Because when I talk about talent, you see good drivers and you see bad
drivers, you see people who are able to understand immediately what you mean.
Gurudev : Yes, of course we take it for granted that this talent is given to us by nature!
Peter Von Kohl: Perfect!
Peter Von Kohl: When you have your lessons on breathing techniques, is it because we are all so
stressed that we need to breathe in another way to calm down or why is it necessary, why is it
needed to have knowledge of that technique.
Gurudev: It has helped many, many people around the world to not get carried away by their
emotions. It brings stability and peace of mind. And one feels that one is love. Rather than seeking
love you come from a space of giving love.
Peter Von Kohl: There are also some people that say you can go to the seaside. That you can
scream. There are several ways introduced to find calmness or whatever we choose to call it.
Gurudev : Yes, there are many, many techniques.
Peter Von Kohl: How do we choose the right one?
Gurudev : Anything that works!
Peter Von Kohl: But there are so many possibilities offered to all of us that it becomes confusing.
Gurudev: Yes. See, you can watch the sunset and if you keep watching the sunset your mind
becomes calm. You can sit under the waterfall. Of course not under the Niagara waterfalls! (laughs)
But if you sit under some small waterfall the force of water that flows over you, that flow brings
relaxation. There are many such things, but what is the simplest thing? Something that is with you
all the time, without any condition. See, you cannot watch a sunset all the time. There are certain
times that you can sit and watch it. But there is something in you that is with you all the time, from
the moment of your birth to the end. And that is your breath.

Page 4

Peter Von Kohl: That is correct.
Gurudev : It's not only that. It is also the simplest and the easiest
way. And it has a profound effect on the body.
Peter Von Kohl: A healthy effect?
Gurudev : Yes, a healthy effect. This is why it is the easiest form
to understand and practice. Look at a child, at how much joy,
simplicity and love he has. The same child goes to school, then to
high school and to college. All the innocence, the trust and beauty
is all lost!

Peter Von Kohl: Exactly! Why?

Gurudev : This is certainly not the purpose of our education. This is because we have not taught the
human values.
Peter Von Kohl: But what are the basic human values?
Gurudev : For example there is friendliness. We are not trained or taught to be friendly with
everybody. We choose to be friendly with a few people and we make enemies with them.
Peter Von Kohl: Sometimes you hear that you should love not only the people around you but also
love yourself. But the word "love" in my opinion is used too much.
Gurudev : That's right. It has lost its meaning actually.
Peter Von Kohl: Exactly! What can we put instead?
Gurudev : Love is not an emotion. Just saying, "Oh my dear, I cannot live without you." That is not
love. Love is what we are; the nature of our Consciousness is love.
Peter Von Kohl: Nature of?
Gurudev : It is the nature of our Consciousness.
Peter Von Kohl: What kind of balance are you asking us to find within ourselves?
Gurudev: We have seven faculties within us. Body, breath, mind, intellect, memory, ego & the Self.
Peter Von Kohl: And the?
Gurudev : And the Self, the Consciousness, pure Consciousness. A little knowledge of each of these
aspects takes us a long way.
Peter Von Kohl: But does it take a long time to find?
Gurudev : No, not at all. I don't believe it will take a long time. It is only a matter of understanding.
See, the law under which the body operates is different from the law under which the mind operates.
For example, effort is the law of the body. No pain, no gain! If you want to go to the gym then you
have to work out. And the more you work out, the more muscles you can build up. The more effort
you put in learning the guitar, the better you will learn. The more practice you can do in symphony
or orchestra, the more proficient you will be in them. But the law of the mind is different. It is

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Peter Von Kohl: But we are all under pressure. We are all under pressure
from our environment, our families, our colleagues and from the need to
earn money.
Gurudev : That's right. Pressure is okay to some extent. Unless it
becomes so much that it bogs you down. A little pressure is okay. But
look at our mind. What does our mind do? If ten compliments are given
to you and one insult, you'll forget all the ten compliments and hold on to
the one insult.
Peter Von Kohl: What do you say about that?
Gurudev :This nature of mind needs to be understood and an orientation
needs to be given to it. This can happen through different exercises and
attending to the four sources of energy. Proper food, right amount of rest, right breathing and a few
minutes of pleasant or meditative mind. Right technique is one that brings you results. The
technique that brings you relaxation. Which brings the human values in you. Which makes you free
from within.
Peter Von Kohl: And that is why you are going into prisons.
Gurudev : That's right.
Peter Von Kohl: To try and help the people who have done wrong, to find via a technique how to
overlook their own situation.
Gurudev : That's right. You have to cleanse your inside. This is because people give seminars, "Don't
feel bad! Don't have bad feelings!" But nobody teaches how not to have those bad feelings once they
are there. For them we need some techniques of meditation, different techniques. There is "I"
meditation and breathing meditation and other different types of meditation. All this helps. So what
we did is we put together a package of simple techniques that people can use in their day-to-day
life. And we call it the "Healing Breath Workshop." So several techniques are taught and you can
choose whichever one at whatever time you need it and practice it.
Peter Von Kohl: How can I in a breath technique find that strength that makes me first perhaps not
a criminal anymore and makes me a better man with a better understanding of myself?
Gurudev : It has happened. It works; it's amazing how it works. See, the mind is oscillating between
the past and the future. We are angry about the past. All our anger is about the past and we are
anxious about the future. What will happen to me tomorrow? What will happen to me next month or
next year? And this anxiety about the future or anger about the past does not allow the mind to
settle down in the present moment. And we need to take care of this. If we free ourselves from the
past anger and look at life from a broader perspective, a bigger vision of life, then that changes the
whole scenario.
Peter Von Kohl: That is what I am interested in your idea of trying to change the scenario of life.
Gurudev : We don't tell them that you are doing right or wrong. We just tell them to look at the
nature of mind. Not going into anybody's mind at all. Just making them aware of the nature of their
mind. You are angry about something that happened ten years ago. What is the point? An event has
happened. If it's finished, it's finished! Now sitting and being angry about what has happened or
inquiring about it does not make you creative for this moment. I would make them aware of this
phenomenon that is happening within them. It is up to them to decide. If they still want to be angry
all their life about an event that happened, then they can be. It's up to one's choice. But the thing is
we are not aware of our inner faculties. We do not know our judging mind. See, as I am speaking
your mind is saying "Yes, No, Yes, No" and it is judging.


Page 6
Peter Von Kohl: Yes.

Gurudev : And this phenomenon we have not understood. So all that we

need is a little bit of education about our own self. Education about our
breath, education about our emotions, education about our intellect and
our feelings. This is what will give us a lot of freedom.
Peter Von Kohl: I would like you to define the word "freedom". What do
you understand by the word "freedom"? Freedom from what or freedom
of what?
Gurudev : Freedom from suffocation. There is one type of suffocation
that is outside. See, if someone forces you to sit when you do not want
to sit, that's lack of freedom. In the same way there is a pressure or
force that is built inside you. Though you don't want to be under
pressure or to be forced. And when this inside pressure, that causes blood pressure eventually,
(smiles) gets lifted up, then one experiences freedom. And in freedom alone can one feel love.
NAVACHETNA SHIVIR Sharing of Experience.
Sri. Kannadasan TTC I graduate conducted Navachetna Shivir class in Vellakoil for some casual
workers employed in a factory. Last week he told me about this incident.
Every day I used to tell the participants that they should not consume alcohol, smoke or eat nonvegetarian food during the course. After the second day of the course one of the participants had a
temptation to eat fish. He went to a shop bought some fried fish wrapped in a newspaper and took it
home. At home as soon as he unwrapped the paper covering the fish he was taken aback when he
saw the smiling photo of Guruji in the newspaper. He felt guilty and immediately disposed of the
non-veg item and came to me with newspaper and repentantly narrated the entire incident. He has
vowed that he would never touch non-vegetarian food again. Sri. Kannadasan, TTC- Part I

There is a Sri Sri Gyan Kendra functioning at NGR School Coimbatore in the
mornings between 6.00 to 7.30 A.M. The first 30 minutes will be open to
non-aol people also wherein stretching exercises and a few yoga postures
are taught free. After 6.30 those who have done Part I can do regular
group sadhana. Contact 94433 49259 for details.

Mission Green Earth Stand Up Take Action 08

The vision: a healthy, progressive society which has a rich environmental
resource for the present and future generations. The path: participation of a
100 million people globally The way: Stand Up against poverty for two
minutes between October 17-19, 2008 and show a commitment towards
achieving a poverty-free society. Take Action by planting trees between
July 15 October 16, 2008 and ensure the realization of the 7th Millennium
Development Goal.

Please visit the Website and join the noble cause.



Page 7

Bihar Flood situation

Guruji walked in knee-deep water for 3 km from Jankinagar in the
Purnia district to Murliganj in the Madhepura district to interact
with the victims. Guruji arrived in Purnia in the morning,
counselled the victims taking shelter in the Jankinagar Phulwari
camp, where the Art of Living is taking care of nearly 5,000
people. Later addressing a large gathering of 10,000 people from
nearly 50 surrounding villages, Guruji advised them to maintain a
positive outlook towards life despite the devastation. Make best
use of your stay in the camps under difficult circumstances. As its
going to take some more time for the waters to recede and the
rehabilitation process to materialise, utilise the time here to learn new skills, he said.

Guruji Meets Youth in Mumbai

Mumbai Regional Congress Committee president Krupa Shankar Singh,

and Maharashtra Pradesh Congress Committee president Manikrao
Thackeray, and Sri Ravi Shankar at a seminar on youth unemployment,
terrorism, and corporate social responsibility, in the city on Saturday
September 27. Also seen are the participants.
Uphold the Spirit of multi-faith fabric. - Guruji
Respecting other religions should be our practice to uphold the multifaith fabric and plurality of Indian society but 'vote-bank politics' to
appease minorities must be condemned. Addressing media persons,
the spiritual Guru said voluntary adoption of any religion should not
be banned, but it should not be allowed if poor people are told that
what they are practicing or doing is 'evil or bad' or their faith is
'inferior'. Conversion in the name of development, and all sorts of evangelical activities must be
dealt with firmly, he said quoting Mahatma Gandhi. Conversion has created so many problems. It
has even divided brothers and sisters in a family,''
D.S.N. JALANDHAR Participants Collect Rs.50.00 Lakhs in 20 Minutes for AOL Gyan
The DSN participants of Jalandhar came forward together to establish Jalandhars first AOL Gyan
Mandir. It was indeed a heart touching moment when students donated their pocket money, service
people came forward to offer their entire month (s) salary, Provident Fund, profit of share market
earnings, businessmen and families came forward with donations in lakhs, the unforgettable
emotional moment and sample for bhakti was when ladies and housewives took out their jewelleries
from their body to donate for the noble cause. The total on-the-spot donation collection went upto
Rs 50 lakhs just in 20 minutes! The entire Jalandhar was echoing loud Samgachhatvam!!

Page 8


Green Drive in Dubai to Plant 100000 Ghaf Trees.

The initiative, part of a global campaign, aims for one million UAE
residents to stand up on October 17, 18 and 19 to remind their
government of the United Nations Millenium Development Goal of a
sustainable environment.
Campaign spokesperson Rugmani Prabhakar said that as well as
raising awareness, Mission Green Earth had an important practical
component, involving tree planting and seed distribution.
Plant more trees, shrubs and add more potted plants around your home and offices for a healthy, sustainable and
beautiful environment!
Art of Living launches Mission Green Earth in
New Delhi.
"We should leave a better planet for the generations
to come. This is the year when we really stand up and
take action, said Swami Sadyojathah of Art of Living.

High on life
Neelu Taore works on inhaling 90 per cent oxygen to improve her
DEPRESSION, stress and anger can make life intolerable for millions of
people all over the world, especially during financially turbulent times.
However, Pakuranga woman Neelu Taore has breathed her way out of
acute depression by practicing a profound technique called Sudarshan
Kriya. To read the article click link below.

Yagnas performed for world peace

Twenty thousand persons from all over the world took part in a special yagna for peace, health,
happiness and harmony held as part of the Annual Navarathri Celebrations at the Art of Living
International Centre Bangalore on Tuesday. The nine-day celebrations were marked by a series of
yagnas, prayers and group meditations for world peace. Read more by clicking the link below

Page 9


Great sages of Bharat (India) were not only interested in spiritual progress but through yoga,
meditation and research they discovered much scientific knowledge. The works of the great sages
have been compiled in books mentioned below:
Vedic Mathematics: This is an astounding document with Sixteen Simple Mathematical Formulae
from the Veda, containing answers in one-line method to all types of mathematical problems. Be it
any problem, it falls under one of the sixteen formulae from the Veda, in this great work by
Jagadguru Shankaracharya, Sri Bharati Krishna Thirtha.
Kala Sastram: Rishi Shanmuka has written this great work, which explains the concept of Time,
the different Time scales and various genealogies of Time.
Brihatsamhita: Varahamihira in this work deals with the comprehensive geography of the world,
the seasons and climatic conditions, when and how they change. The mineral wealth in different
parts of this universe and its geological patterns are explained in detail.
Amsu Bodhini: Maharishi Bhardwaja has written this great treatise. In it are mentioned the various
kinds of planets, the different kinds of light and heat which these planetary bodies possess and
radiate. It also gives us detailed descriptions of the various instruments and machinery by the help
of which their phenomena may be seen and analyzed, and the different kinds of gadgets by which
their forces, such as light, darkness, heat, velocity, colour and electricity may by attracted.
Goladhyaya: This treatise by Bhaskaracharya deals with geometrical aphorisms, and also the
planetary systems, the speed and directions of planets etc.
Yantra Sarvaswam: In this astounding work on machines of all types, Maharishi Bhardwaja gives
fantastic and minute descriptions of electric motors and generators, and many types of machines.
Akshara Laksha Ganitha Sastram: Maharishi Valmiki has written a thought-provoking treatise on
mathematics as named above and some 64 siddanthas have been derived in this work. This sage
shares name with great saint and poet one who wrote Ramayana.
Soudamini Kala: Maharishi Matanga in this work explains how terrestrial and celestial photos can
be taken, and also the methods by which sound vibrations in these bodies could be studied,
analyzed and utilized.
Anukarana Sabda Sastram: Rishi Kandika has written the above treatise on nature of sounds,
their reflection and the fundamental principles of resonance and echoes.
Chitra Karma: Rishi Bhima has prepared a treatise names as above on the fine art of painting and
photography. It indicates that Indians knew photography thousands of years ago.
Brahmanda Sastram: Maharishi Vyasa in this work deals with the several worlds in Space, the
nature and habitation of these worlds and the methods by which to find them. The Milky Way is
described as if seen through powerful telescopes.
Akasha Tantram: This is another great work of Maharishi Bharadwaja and it is all about
Astronomy. He explains the seven varieties of Akasha (sky), the velocities of planets and
constellations etc.

Page 10


Shakti Tantram: Rishi Agastya has written a great work on energy as named above. According to
his work, there are 32 varieties of energy or power (Shakti) and he explains how to utilize them for
the welfare of mankind. Electricity, magnetism and solar power have been well explained here.
Anda Koustubham: Maharishi Prasara gives us a clear perception and knowledge of the Milky Way,
in this work and also the extent, form and measurement of each of the several Solar Systems, with
the nature of objects in them.
Aryabhteeam: This great treatise on Astronomy and Mathematics by Aryabhatta, states that our
earth is round, it is rotating on its axis and round the sun, and it is suspended in space. It declares
that eclipses do occur by the interplay of the shadows of the sun, the moon and the earth, on one
another during their transit. The concept of Time and its co-relation with space are discussed in this
great work dealing with Solar and stellar systems.
Meghotpathi Prakaranam: Maharishi Angirasa has written this detailed treatise on clouds.
According to him there are twelve varieties of clouds, sixty-four varieties of lightning, thirty-two
forms of thunder, eight kinds of hail storms and twenty-one forms of thunderbolts. An amazing work
Vaimanika Sastram: Maharishi Bharadwaja in this science of Aeronautics, tells us how to build
airplanes, space ships and helicopters, what type of metals and materials to use, what training to
give to the pilot etc. This is a thought-provoking work with descriptions of two-tier and three-tier
airplanes and also disc type spacecrafts!
In this great work, Maharishi Bharadwaja also tells us how to build appliances, which could take men
and materials to the different regions of the universe and also the Milky Way.
The Veda, from the clear vision of a modern physicist, has the characteristics of a super particle-the
ultimate basis of all creation in the theory of super gravity-It should be studied in the light of
Quantum Electrodynamics, Quantum Chromo dynamics and Geometrodynamics.
-Maharishi Mahesh Yogi.
Heat exists in water as latent, in clouds as electricity, in men and animals as digestive power, in
lenses and stones as inherent power, and in general as warmth keeping power.
-Atharva Veda K. 3. A 5. S 20.
From the burning Nebula the planet Sun was caused by the Forces and made to stay in Heaven and
to shine forever; when this nebula cooled, shining bodies, such as moon, Stars and other bodies
such as Earth came into existence. But the fire or internal heat in the Earth and the planets caused
the minerals and other forms of matter.
-Taitreya Aranyaka P.7 . A.17.
Courtesy of Ved Vigyan Maha Vidya Peeth
Both Tamil Nadu Apex and Chennai DCC offices have started functioning from the following address.
Vyakti Vikas Kendra - Tamil Nadu
44 (Old No.177/1, Lake View Road,
West Mambalam, Chennai - 600 033
Tel. : 4207 3322 Fax : 4551 3826
Please send all future correspendence to this address only
Have you subscribed to Tamil Rishimukh? It is very simple now . contact: or subscription @ Rs.180/- for one year and Rs.2000/- for Life Time are
available. Individual copies @Rs.25/- is also available.

Page 11


There is a famous quotation in the Bhagavad Gita (Chap. 6:20) which states "In the still mind, in the
depths of meditation, the Self reveals itself ". This statement identifies both the process and the
objective of meditation - stilling the mind in order to experience ones inherent divinity. The
everyday human mind is a whirlpool of fleeting thoughts and sensations, which dissipate ones
energies and create a veil that obscures the reality within each one of us.
"Rest is possible only when you have stopped all other activities. When you stop moving around,
when you stop working, thinking, talking, seeing, hearing, smelling, tasting, then you get rest. When
all voluntary activities are arrested, then you get rest or sleep. In sleep, you are left with only
involuntary activities like breathing, heartbeat, food digestion, blood circulation, etc. But this is not
total rest. When the mind settles down, only then total rest or meditation happens."
16.10.08 to 19.10.08 Akkanaickenpalayam- Senjerimalai
23.10.08 to 27.10.08 Samarpan Hall-Ramanathapuram Coimbatore.
27.11.2008 to 30.11.2008 - Anugraha Nochioodaipatti Dindigul.
The venue is situated on Dindigul Natham Road. Land mark is a beautiful place called Thirumalai
Charal. Near this place an exquisite venue called 'Anugraha' is hosting a Part II Course from 27th
November 2008 to 30th November, 2008 - Sri.Arunji is the Course Director and there is going to
be blissful melody of Thean Amudham along with knowledge, fun and a memorable inward
journey. The place has a popular name Nochioodaipatti and it is just 10 Kms on the Dinidgul
Natham Road. Please contact Sri. K.R.Damotharanji 94438-18158 for registration


Bhavani is a small township just 100 Kms from
Coimbatore. The main business is handloom textiles
especially carpets. Just as we have the confluence of
Ganga, Yamuna and Saraswathi called as Triveni
Sangamam in North India, Bhavani is the Triveni
Sangamam of the South India with the confluence of
rivers Cauvery, Bhavani and Amirtha.
As the temple is in a pleasant environment on the banks
of the three rivers, it is also a tourist center. People
perform last rites here to satisfy their departed elders.
Here the main deity is Lord Shiva addressed as
Sangameshwarar with goddess Vedanayaki.
Temple has a Vishnu sanctum also.
On October 2nd, we enjoyed a Satsang by Sri. Arunji at the Koti Archanai Mantapam
Sangameswarar Temple. Sri.Arunji kept the audience spell bound with his Thean amudham
bhajans. There was a South Indian style Dandia dance by the ladies for the Bhajan on Anjenya. As
usual Vishamakara Kannan enthralled everybody.
The new songs Murali Manohara Gopala
Ananda Sagara Gopala and Saranam Saranam Ganapathyee were very pleasing to the ears. In
between the melodious bhajans Sri.Arunji spoke about the significance of Navarathri. He said the
nine day festival enables one to go back to the source and feel the spiritual bliss. It is a celebration
that enhances the inherent human values in us. It is movement from Tamo Guna to Sattvik Guna
through Rajo Guna.

Page 12


He congratulated the Rajendran Matriculation School Management for encouraging Art Excel in their
Schools and also promoting organic farming. Sri. G. R. Balasubramaniam the Part I Teacher of
Gobichettipalayam had completed 101 Courses and he was felicitated by the volunteers and
organizers. Since it was Gandhi Jayanthi Day Sri. Arunji informed that we should be proud that
Mahatma Gandhijis Birthday was proclaimed as Non Violence Day by the United Nations. At the
finale Dr. Bhuvaneswaran a leading Cardiologist of Coimbatore melted our hearts by singing the
Bharathiyar Song Ulagiley Shanthi Nilavavendum Athma Sakthi Onga Vendum a tribute to
Mahatma Gandhi. The weather in Bhavani was very hot and humid and exactly after 24 hours after
the Satsang the town witnessed heavy rain bringing the temperature down.

Mission Green Earth and PSG Green launch Tree Plantation

Mission Green Earth and PSG Green join hands for
massive Tree Plantation. The joint programme was
launched on Saturday 4th October, 2008. Sri. Arun
Madhavanji -International Faculty of the Art of Living
Foundation was the Chief Guest at the inagural
function at the PSG Secondary School Auditorium.
The programme was attended by School Children and
Teachers and Art of Living Volunteers. Sri. Arunji in
his speech highlighted how the Art of Living
Foundation was also working on projects with zero
budget farming, chemical free farming and taking care
to preserve the nutrient value of the soil besides the
tree plantation programme. He said due to usage of chemicals and fertilizers the carrot crop in America
had lesser nutrient value compared to the ones grown in India where the nutrient content of the soil is
He said our vedic knowledge says "Essence of Life is Earth. Essence of
Earth is Water. Essence of Water is Plants. and the Essence of Plants are
Human Beings." He made everybody repeat these words.
Earlier Sri. Arunji planted saplings and sang bhajans with the children and
they enjoyed it. He had an advice for the children to plant trees and more
importantly water and nourish them. He said only Fruit bearing trees,
flowering trees or medicinal trees should be planted. Dr.Ramamoorthi of
PSG spoke about Global Warming and its impact. Sri. Uthamraj Apex
Body Member VVK Tamilnadu , gave the details of MGESUTA 2008
Programme. Dr. Bharathi and Sri. Krishnaprasad organized the function.
This was part of their DSN "Sankalpa". of Tree Planting and environment
protection. There was a slide show prepared by our former President Dr.
Abdul Kalam titled year 2070 and another a short film on the students
awareness on tree planting. Media had covered this event and here is a
link to the Dina Malar News Report.

Good News for people living in and around Coimbatore. Varieties of saplings available for plantation.
Interested individuals / organisations may contact Sri Mohan Raj, Art of Living, Volunteer,
Karnampettai. Tel : 0422 - 3259801, 6541304; Cell: 98654-96137 , Email:

Page 13



Our long cherished vision of having the Temple of Knowledge/Ashram at Coimbatore is going to be a
reality. With Pujya Gurudev's blessings the formal acquiring of land has been completed. We had a Guru
Puja with all the Teachers and Facilitators at the Ashram site on 2nd October, 2008.
Hope all of you remember that during January 2008 DSN Sri. Vikramji, made the participants take
sankalpa to have a "Temple of Knowledge" in Coimbatore. He also said he would come for the
Satsang during its inauguration. Now that is the power of Sankalpa Sakthi. The land has been
acquired and construction will start very soon.

The location is on the foot hills of a small hillock 25 Kms from Coimbatore. The serene surroundings
with greenery is indeed an ideal location where we can all enjoy nature and be one with it. Water, fresh
air, and good natural landscape are bountiful.
The total area available for construction is around 11 acres and we have been accorded the rights to use 20
acres of land for cultivation of medicinal herbs and another 10 acres of land will be available for our use
although permanent construction may not be possible on this site.
We now look forward financial contributions for the construction of the Buildings and other infrastructure
facilities. Help in the form of designing, landscaping and in construction are also solicited from our Art of
Living Family. The task is ours and certainly Guruji's blessings are always going to be there. Please
contact the Apex Body members and the DCC Office for further details. Phone 0422-4367407 & 2542766
or E-Mail visit for picture slide show of the function.
Devotees interested to conduct 'Guru Puja' may contact Art of Living Teacher,
Ms. Dhanaselvi (94434-88371) and Mrs. Baby Palanisamy ( Tirupur) 98943 12353
DATE : TUESDAY 14/10/08 TIME : 06:30 PM
All are Welcome.
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