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Freshmen must use planners:

Record lessons, assignments
Monday bellwork requirement will be to fill out planner
Parent must sign off on planner at least once a week
Current events:
CNN Student News Monday or Friday
Upfront magazines once a month (replace Student News?)
Utilize weekly writing workshops:
Wednesday/Thursday following specific event
Each student receives a writers notebook at beginning of year
Provide 3-5 generic stem starters student choice
Minimum of three complete paragraphs 15-20 minutes
Create unit storyboards
Brief conference with 5-8 students at student desks

Ask for student feedback

Provide descriptive feedback
Establish reading goals
Take notes and record

Create Literary Focus Studios

Use at least once a month
Instructor create a class blog Google Doc?
Read editorial on issue/event
Read diary/journal accounts
Provide personal opinion and three supporting statements on the blog
Provide 1-2 content-based questions (KWL) per student on the blog
Instructor conferences as students as responding to Google Doc
Discuss with group members
Emphasize [VLOs] visual learning objectives
Gallery walks
Personal pictorial portfolio entries
Use graphic organizers regularly
Create charts/tables/ graphs/timelines
End class with 4-5 minutes left
Use reflection-based exit tickets
Have students create and post questions/comments on shared Google Doc
Have students answer survey/review questions via Survey Monkey
Provide each student with personal portfolios, which stay in class
Save specific assignments
Share with parents at conferences
Students evaluate growth
Create observation document to record APEAR data weekly
Behaviors only no judgments

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