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University of Alexandria

Faculty of Engineering
Division of Communications & Electronics

Subject Name: Automatic Control

Academic Year: 2014-2015

Lecturer: Dr. Masoud Al-Ghoneimy

Third Year Semester 1

Intsructions to students:
1-Each group should consist from 15 up to 20 students.
2-Each group should choose a delegate.
3-Each group should come up with an idea for their own project but it should at
least contain a software design for a certain product .Just be creative!
4-No two should share the same idea.
5-Extra marks for hardware products.
6-The delegate of each group should register the project by the deadline at this
7-The dead-line for registering the project for each group is 16/3/2015.
8-The mail should contain: The name of the delegate of each group-The name of
the group members-The name of the project- A simple explanation of the project
idea (5-10 lines).
9-After registering the project the delegate will receive a mail of whether the
projects idea is approved or not.
10-None of these instructions can be violated for the sake of your own marks.

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