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First Class: Get t o know each other

Aim: Get to know the teacher and a little bit about the students
Find out students level on speaking
Create a good atmosphere
1-Give a small piece of paper to everyone in the group and ask them to
write their first name and their aim in the class on it, then fold it up without
showing it to anyone, and to give it to you.
2- Ask Ss to sit in a circle and redistribute the names, so that everyone gets
a piece of paper with someone elses name on it.
3-Ask everyone to unfold their papers ant to look around at the other people
in the group and try to guess who the name belongs to. Give them a minute
or so to do this silently.
4- Then ask the first student to read out the name on their piece of paper
and to say who they think it belongs to giving a reason, if possible.
Eg.. I think this is Carol because of the handwriting.
5- Then ask the real person to identify himself or herself. Continue until all
Ss names have been guessed.
-T divides Ss in groups of 4 or 5. T tells Ss they are going to receive
sentences that might be true or false about him/her and that Ss should
divide these sentences into
My name is , but people usually call me
I am years old, but I (dont) think I look my age.
I was born in, but now I live in Goinia./I was born and raised in
One of my biggest dreams is to
I get really happy when
It drives me up the wall when
I truly believe that
Who is close to me usually says that I
At first sight people find me
Who does not know me at all usually thinks I am
I would like people to see me as
When no one is around I
I would never

I would rather
Before I die, I
The most interesting place Ive been to is
1-Get everyone to stand in a circle facing each other in pairs.
2-Tell them they have two minutes to find out as much as possible about
their partner. They can ask anything they like.
3-When the time is up, ask them to turn so that they are back to back with
their first partner, facing a new partner. They should now tell their new
partner everything they can remember about their first partner.
4-Finally, get them to sit down in the circle and ask them to say anything
they know about anyone else in the circle.

-GETTING TO KNOW THE COURSE: Rest of the class

(Avaliao e Regras)
-Evaluation: Give the hand out about evaluation and discuss with
-Rules: Fazer as frases bem grandes (Ver anexo) e cortar as
partes importantes. Os alunos tero que completar as sentenas
com as partes importantes.
Por motivos de indisciplina.
Recusar-se a assinar o Termo de Compromisso ouo a cumprir as
determinaes e normas do Programa ISF;
Recursar-se a se submeter ao teste TOEFL ITP e a quaisquer
outras avaliaes definidas como critrios de avaliao e
acompanhamento do Programa ISF;
No alcanar a frequncia mnima estabelecida para o curso;
No comparecer s primeiras quatro horas do curso sem
justificativa prvia coordenao ISF do Nucli da universidade
Deixar de comparecer s aulas por mais de 4 horas consecutivas
ou por mais de 25% da carga horria total do curso, sem a
devida justificativa formal, nos termos definidos pelo Nucli;
Deixar de cumprir as atividades do Curso My English Online,
Solicitar seu desligamento do curso.
-Discutir o que eles acham que so as responsabilidades do
aluno e da professora.

-Dividir os alunos em grupos e pedir que eles criem as prprias

regras. Dar uma cartolina e markers para cada grupo. Pedir que
discutam o que acham importante tanto da parte do aluno como
da professora.
-Dar o termo de compromisso para assinarem.. informar o livro
para que j possam comprar.


A fim de avaliar o desenvolvimento do aluno uma perspectiva continuada de avaliao ser adotada. O
aluno ser constantemente observado para que possa receber sugestes e o auxlio necessrio para que
os objetivos e resultados desejados sejam alcanados.
A avaliao consistir dos seguintes elementos:
Diagnose Test: Um teste diagnstico a ser aplicado no comeo do curso a fim de se determinar o nvel
do aluno. A partir deles sero traadas estratgias para que possam ser trabalhar reas de maiores
-O aluno receber uma nota simblica.
-Total de Diagnose Tests: 1

N1-Nota 1
N1=120 pontos
1-Practice Tests: Testes simplificados aplicados a cada conjunto de unidades que tem como objetivo
treinar as habilidades estudadas naquele perodo.
-Total de Practice Tests: 6
-Total de 20 pontos, se o aluno fizer todos os Practice Tests ter no final 120 pontos. Caso no faa algum
perder 20 pontos na soma.
2-Complete Tests: Testes completos aplicados em 4 momentos no curso que possibilitaro uma
autoavaliao alm de prtica na realizao do teste TOEFL-IBT.
-Total de Complete Tests: 4
-Valor de cada Complete Test: 120

N2-Nota 2
N2=120 pontos
3-Homework: Variadas atividades a serem realizadas em casa.
4-Oral Presentations: Ocasionais apresentaes a serem especificadas pela professora a fim de se
praticar a habilidade de fala em lngua inglesa.
-Homework e Oral Presentations valem 120 pontos no total, se o aluno fizer todas as tarefas de casa ter
os 120 pontos. A cada tarefa no realizada o aluno perde 5 pontos.
NOTA FINAL= (N1+N2) /2
OBS: As notas tiradas nos Complete Tests e no Diagnose test devero ser comparadas para que o aluno
avalie o seu desenvolvimento.

Attendance: A frequncia s aulas avaliada e levada em considerao para que a/o aluna/o
receba o certificado ao final do curso. Quando a/o aluna/o frequenta as aulas ela/e tem maiores
condies de desenvolver as habilidades estudadas e assim ter um melhor desempenho no teste

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