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What does (sic) mean when following a word in a

(after a copied or quoted word that appears odd or wrong) written exactly as it stands in the original.
used in writing after a word that is not spelt or used correctly to show that you have written it that way
because you are repeating what someone else said or wrote
It's usually used within quotations, to indicate that a misspelling, mistake etc. is a part of the original
text and not an error committed by the quoting person.
It's actually a Latin word meaning "thus" and is used to indicate that a mistake in a text was there in
the original and is not to be considered the fault of the editor or a typo.
made up example:
I read an interview written by Justin in which he said, "the band's music was influenced by there (sic)
favorite folk songs."
"There" should be "their," but it's not the quoter's mistake, it was originally written that way by Justin.

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